Tuesday, November 21, 2017

New Energy Benefits From Surge Protection

The technological advances within industries which are not readily associated with the power production industries may very well be the ones that ultimately bring the costs of alternative energy down past the point of fossil fuels.  At the current point there is no debate over the superiority of alternative energy with regards to reducing environmental damage, since there is no burning of a fuel source within the alternative space that is necessary to turn turbines.  Because there is no destruction of the fuel, there is no by product and therefor no pollution or environmental damage.  There may be intense debates over the level of environmental damage done by burning fossil fuels, but everyone realizes that there is some level of damage.  This means that within that aspect of the debate it is wiser to produce using alternative methods.  The other aspects for consideration are how much power is physically able to be produced within a time frame and how much that power costs to produce.  Because alternative methods rely upon the fuel source being present, power can only be generated when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing.  At the current time, these methods do not have the ability to produce enough power during these times that will be sufficient to power metropolitan areas until the next time the source is available, meaning that they must use these methods in combination with others in order to produce adequate amounts.  In addition to this issue, there are costs associated with alternative production that are not found in fossil fuel production, costs which actually add up to more than the totals seen in the opposing method.  These costs come in the form of damage to the control equipment in the field.  When lightning strikes a wind turbine or solar panel, it produces a power surge that travels along connected lines to the computerized equipment that runs the systems.  This equipment is often damaged by these surges, causing the need for replacement or repair and the termination of the ability to generate power until that repair is made.  This creates expenses with regards to the equipment necessary and also creates losses of valuable production time when the sources are available.  The future of alternative energy relies on improving these tow aspects to the point that the alternative space can produce ample supplies of power cheaper and cleaner than fossil fuels.  Once that happens, alternative energy production will become the standard.

Advances are being made within these issues with regards to surge protection.  Although it is rarely understood that the surge protection industry is directly involved with the efficiency levels of alternative energy production, the quiet and behind the scenes efforts are changing the game.  Through the integration of advanced surge protection in new energy systems, the damage to computerized components that is expected and built into cost projections is dramatically reduced.  In addition, through adequate surge protection being integrated the amount of offline time is reduced, thus allowing for longer times that are spent producing power using free fuel sources.  The results are more power being created and stored without additional costs, essentially increasing the amount of power on hand for use whenever the sun is not shining and wind is not blowing.  Advances withing the surge protection space can level the field between the methods, essentially bringing alternative energy production costs down to the level of fossil fuels.  The amount of power necessary to keep a city running being kept in storage is being achieved through improved battery systems, effectively using technology to create power in a cleaner, cheaper and more effective way.  There is a good chance that the debate over fossil fuels will no longer be necessary in the near future simply due to the costs.  If people get to pay less for the same product, they are going to support that method of production.  If new energy models are both cleaner and cheaper, there is no longer a reason to debate.  You can learn more at

Clean Energy Surge Protection

Clean energy is a way of referring to the production methods that do not burn fossil fuels in order to turn turbines.  Also known as "new energy" and "alternative energy" due to the fact that most industrialized countries rely heavily on fossil fuel production in order to power their homes, clean energy production is still evolving.  There are essentially two major issues with the processes currently that are preventing them from overtaking fossil fuel production as the standard, those issues being cost and the ability to produce energy 24 hours a day.  These are advantages for fossil fuel production methods, as currently the fuels themselves are cheap yet are growing more scarce every day due to mass consumption.  The production facilities are also not constrained by the times when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining in order to produce.  While these strengths are severely compromised by the fact that there is evidence of damage done to the environment using these methods, the debate generally stops when supporters cannot physically see damage.  Because we are talking about environmental damage that cannot be readily seen with the naked eye, people tend to support the methods that cost them the least amount.

Debates would easily be ended if the methods that were the cleaner were also the cheaper and were able to produce enough power on their own to power communities 24 hours a day.  Luckily, this day may be coming sooner than you think, as technological advances in the surge protection industries are creating more efficient systems that are cheaper to run. This is due to the fact that the costs associated with new energy are found in the repair and replacement of control equipment that is often damaged in the field.  Unlike fossil fuels that have a cost associated, wind and sun are free and when used to turn turbines do not produce by products.  This means that when effectively harnessed, free power can be generated as long as the sun is shining and the wind is blowing.  Issues arise when lightning strikes to the wind turbines or solar panels allow power surges to travel along lines to the computerized equipment that runs the systems.  Circuitry is generally overwhelmed and the components are damaged, while also knocking systems offline.  Through the integration of more efficient and powerful surge protection devices into these systems, costs of repair can be brought down and systems kept functioning for longer periods of time.  This reduces the overall production costs while also improving the efficiency of the systems, resulting in more and cheaper power.  Once the cost basis for new energy is brought down to the same levels as fossil fuels, there is no reason to continue to support the old methods.  At that point, "new energy" is no longer the alternative, but instead will be viewed as the standard.

Through the integrations of technologically advanced surge protection for new energy systems from Raycap, producers can continually tighten margins and reduce production costs, eventually bringing the costs to the same levels as fossil fuels.  Since there is no debate that zero damage to the environment is better than an undefined amount of damage, there is no reason not to support the method that produces no damage.  The uptimes for systems are extended, therefor making more energy while the fuel sources are available for free, and potentially storing enough excess energy to power communities when the wind or sun is not present.