Friday, December 15, 2017

Surge Protection and Clean Energy

The clean energy space is a technologically advanced and driven world.  The entire concept of producing energy using means other than fossil fuels is not new, but the levels to which it can be used in order to satisfy our consumption levels is moving quickly.  As advances happen that make the technology more viable, more demand for it grows.  This creates a situation where the rate of advancement is increased within the space, and allows for the first time in history the potential for energy independence from fossil fuels.  This is positive due to the limited nature of fossil fuels as well as the harm they do to the environment, as well as the potential reduction to the price of production that could result in customers paying less for power than ever before.

The main hurdles of the clean energy sector is the cost of equipment used in the process.  In the fossil fuel industries the costs of the fuel itself are the bulk, however clean energy production processes use fuel sources which are free, like wind and sun.  As long as the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, power can be produced using these methods.  The problem is that the sun is not always shining and the wind is not always blowing, meaning that these systems must be operated at maximum efficiency when the sources are available.  Any disruption to the production system will ultimately result in higher costs because the supply is more limited.  In addition, the reasons behind system outages are expensive.

The major cost factor in several of the clean energy production spaces is lightning strikes and power surges that follow them.  The lightning strikes the blades of the windmill and couples into the data and power lines inside it.  The overflow of power travels along these lines, overwhelming the circuitry inside all the attached computer equipment, both damaging it and knocking it offline during peak production times.  These situations result in losses that add to the cost that must be passed off to consumers in order for the company to remain profitable, illustrating the necessity for the integration of advanced surge protection equipment.  Through these integrations, the damage to computer equipment in the chain can be minimized, and the systems restored to functionality faster when they are knocked offline by a strike.  Both of these things add to the maximization of power produced through a free energy source, and the driving down of costs as a result.  Through the improvement of surge protection devices to make them more robust and technologically advanced, the costs can be further reduced and the production further maximized, thus improving the profits of the company and making the area more energy independent.  Surge protection devices are improving the world, and many people do not even know it.

The need for industrial surge protection in cellular towers

Most people do not understand how cellular towers work.  They are content to simply turn on their phone and know that they have a signal, and that is the extent of their understanding of how the process works.  Few realize the extraordinary amounts of expense that goes into making that connection to the network happen, and the threats to it as well.  When you pay your monthly bill you are paying for a portion of this expense, and also demanding that you receive faster and clearer services every month without prices going up.  It is a difficult business to navigate and remain profitable in, which is why analysts within the space are continually looking for ways to reduce operational costs.  One of the best methods of reducing costs while at the same time increasing the connectivity and service levels is through the integration of advanced industrial surge protection devices.

The cellular tower is generally the tallest structure within a large area, so as to provide an unobstructed path to a customer phone with a signal.  This makes them prime targets for lightning strikes, and causes a situation where the equipment within the tower that results in you having a signal is continually in danger.  The computerized equipment in the tower is mainly comprised of a RRH (remote radio head) and a BSU (base station unit.) As the names tell, the RRH is at the top of the tower and the BSU is at the bottom.  Both are computerized and will be damaged by a power surge, and both are expensive.  When the inevitable lightning strike to the tower happens, the RRH will probably sustain damage which will need to be repaired or replaced.  This expense is expected, and is minimized through construction of more robust towers.  The RRH is connected directly to the BSU through data transfer and power lines, and the surge that follows a lightning strike will travel along these lines and damage the BSU as well, even though it was not at the strike point.  The integration of advanced surge protection devices can minimize or even eliminate the damage to the BSU, saving repair costs that would otherwise be necessary.  Protecting this equipment will also ensure faster restorations of service from the tower, making customers be more likely to continue utilizing that particular network.

The integration of industrial grade surge protection equipment is critical to the advancement of the cellular industry, as profits must be maximized if companies are to stay in business.  The growing need for more data transfer and faster speeds requires the integration of even more expensive equipment ever year.  Only through maximizing the life span of this equipment can customers get what they are looking for.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

New Energy Benefits From Surge Protection

The technological advances within industries which are not readily associated with the power production industries may very well be the ones that ultimately bring the costs of alternative energy down past the point of fossil fuels.  At the current point there is no debate over the superiority of alternative energy with regards to reducing environmental damage, since there is no burning of a fuel source within the alternative space that is necessary to turn turbines.  Because there is no destruction of the fuel, there is no by product and therefor no pollution or environmental damage.  There may be intense debates over the level of environmental damage done by burning fossil fuels, but everyone realizes that there is some level of damage.  This means that within that aspect of the debate it is wiser to produce using alternative methods.  The other aspects for consideration are how much power is physically able to be produced within a time frame and how much that power costs to produce.  Because alternative methods rely upon the fuel source being present, power can only be generated when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing.  At the current time, these methods do not have the ability to produce enough power during these times that will be sufficient to power metropolitan areas until the next time the source is available, meaning that they must use these methods in combination with others in order to produce adequate amounts.  In addition to this issue, there are costs associated with alternative production that are not found in fossil fuel production, costs which actually add up to more than the totals seen in the opposing method.  These costs come in the form of damage to the control equipment in the field.  When lightning strikes a wind turbine or solar panel, it produces a power surge that travels along connected lines to the computerized equipment that runs the systems.  This equipment is often damaged by these surges, causing the need for replacement or repair and the termination of the ability to generate power until that repair is made.  This creates expenses with regards to the equipment necessary and also creates losses of valuable production time when the sources are available.  The future of alternative energy relies on improving these tow aspects to the point that the alternative space can produce ample supplies of power cheaper and cleaner than fossil fuels.  Once that happens, alternative energy production will become the standard.

Advances are being made within these issues with regards to surge protection.  Although it is rarely understood that the surge protection industry is directly involved with the efficiency levels of alternative energy production, the quiet and behind the scenes efforts are changing the game.  Through the integration of advanced surge protection in new energy systems, the damage to computerized components that is expected and built into cost projections is dramatically reduced.  In addition, through adequate surge protection being integrated the amount of offline time is reduced, thus allowing for longer times that are spent producing power using free fuel sources.  The results are more power being created and stored without additional costs, essentially increasing the amount of power on hand for use whenever the sun is not shining and wind is not blowing.  Advances withing the surge protection space can level the field between the methods, essentially bringing alternative energy production costs down to the level of fossil fuels.  The amount of power necessary to keep a city running being kept in storage is being achieved through improved battery systems, effectively using technology to create power in a cleaner, cheaper and more effective way.  There is a good chance that the debate over fossil fuels will no longer be necessary in the near future simply due to the costs.  If people get to pay less for the same product, they are going to support that method of production.  If new energy models are both cleaner and cheaper, there is no longer a reason to debate.  You can learn more at

Clean Energy Surge Protection

Clean energy is a way of referring to the production methods that do not burn fossil fuels in order to turn turbines.  Also known as "new energy" and "alternative energy" due to the fact that most industrialized countries rely heavily on fossil fuel production in order to power their homes, clean energy production is still evolving.  There are essentially two major issues with the processes currently that are preventing them from overtaking fossil fuel production as the standard, those issues being cost and the ability to produce energy 24 hours a day.  These are advantages for fossil fuel production methods, as currently the fuels themselves are cheap yet are growing more scarce every day due to mass consumption.  The production facilities are also not constrained by the times when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining in order to produce.  While these strengths are severely compromised by the fact that there is evidence of damage done to the environment using these methods, the debate generally stops when supporters cannot physically see damage.  Because we are talking about environmental damage that cannot be readily seen with the naked eye, people tend to support the methods that cost them the least amount.

Debates would easily be ended if the methods that were the cleaner were also the cheaper and were able to produce enough power on their own to power communities 24 hours a day.  Luckily, this day may be coming sooner than you think, as technological advances in the surge protection industries are creating more efficient systems that are cheaper to run. This is due to the fact that the costs associated with new energy are found in the repair and replacement of control equipment that is often damaged in the field.  Unlike fossil fuels that have a cost associated, wind and sun are free and when used to turn turbines do not produce by products.  This means that when effectively harnessed, free power can be generated as long as the sun is shining and the wind is blowing.  Issues arise when lightning strikes to the wind turbines or solar panels allow power surges to travel along lines to the computerized equipment that runs the systems.  Circuitry is generally overwhelmed and the components are damaged, while also knocking systems offline.  Through the integration of more efficient and powerful surge protection devices into these systems, costs of repair can be brought down and systems kept functioning for longer periods of time.  This reduces the overall production costs while also improving the efficiency of the systems, resulting in more and cheaper power.  Once the cost basis for new energy is brought down to the same levels as fossil fuels, there is no reason to continue to support the old methods.  At that point, "new energy" is no longer the alternative, but instead will be viewed as the standard.

Through the integrations of technologically advanced surge protection for new energy systems from Raycap, producers can continually tighten margins and reduce production costs, eventually bringing the costs to the same levels as fossil fuels.  Since there is no debate that zero damage to the environment is better than an undefined amount of damage, there is no reason not to support the method that produces no damage.  The uptimes for systems are extended, therefor making more energy while the fuel sources are available for free, and potentially storing enough excess energy to power communities when the wind or sun is not present.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Surge Protection For New Energy Production Sources

For many years there has been only one viable method of generating electricity for consumption by the public.  A fuel source had to be burned in order to generate heat and gasses which then turn turbines to produce an electrical charge.  This charge is processed and harnessed, then transported to customers through an electrical grid.  There are fixed costs involving the processing and transport, but the methods of actually turning the turbines remained relatively consistent.  The fuel source that had to be burned was generally a fossil fuel like coal, oil or wood which could be harvested from the earth in large quantities.  Although these fuel sources are limited, it was always assumed that by the time they started to run out some other fuel source would replace it.  This is an issue simply due to the ever increasing demand and the limited quantities of minerals and other fuel sources in the earth.  In addition to the obvious issues with this, there is the additional problem of pollution and by products being produced with an element is burned.  Due to these issues, clean energy production methods were invented.

Clean energy production methods use no fossil fuels in order to turn the turbines, instead harnessing the power of wind, flowing water or sunlight to accomplish the task.  The elements are not destroyed, but instead are simply harnessed and used for the purpose, ultimately creating a system that has unlimited free fuel sources and is cleaner because it produces no pollution.  The drawbacks to the system is the cost associated as well as the fact that the fuel sources are not always present, making it critical to keep the systems producing when the wind is blowing or the sun is shining, as well as minimizing the costs associated with equipment damage.  Repair and replacement of equipment makes up the majority of the production costs in the clean energy space, as high tech equipment is often damaged or destroyed in the field.  This comes due to frequent lightning strikes to components, producing damage at the strike point as well as overloading the attached equipment when the associated power surge travels along power lines.  The technical solution to the issue is the installation of advanced surge protection devices, and while these devices will currently reduce the amount of damage that is expected and keep systems online longer, they still can be further improved to work even more effectively.  Over time, these advanced SPDs will drive the costs of production of clean energy down beyond the costs of fossil fuel energy, producing power cleaner, more efficiently and cheaper across the board.  At that point there will be no reason to continue to produce energy using fossil fuels, and the world will be a cleaner and more inhabitable place by default.

Clean Energy Surge Protection

The space that is considered "alternative energy" is populated with companies who generate power for public consumption using methods which do not burn fossil fuels in order to achieve their goal.  The production of electricity needs the turning of turbines in order to generate the electrical charge which is then harnessed, stored and ultimately sold to the public through a connection to an electrical grid.  The turbines themselves are turned in a variety of methods, traditionally being that some fuel source is burned in order to produce heat and gas which causes them to turn.  The fuel sources that have traditionally been used are fossil fuels like coal, wood and oil due to their plentiful nature, however these sources of fuel are not without limit.  Every year mass consumption of power makes them more limited, and new and more extreme methods of mining them are necessary to satisfy demand.  In addition to this issue, burning of fossil fuels creates pollution and has a negative effect on the climate, ultimately making the earth and atmosphere dirtier and more difficult to deal with.  Solutions as to methods of generating power that are cleaner and cheaper lead to the discovery of clean energy production methods, which ultimately solve these issues and remain completely sustainable because they are not destroyed in the process.

Clean energy production is cleaner and without the negative atmospheric effects that fossil fuel production methods have.  The two drawbacks to clean energy production methods is that they only work when the fuel source is present, as in when the wind is blowing, and they typically are more expensive due to ongoing damage to the high tech control equipment used in the process.  This damage generally comes in the form of weather related damage, like lightning strikes to wind turbine blades.  The large expenses are usually not found in blade replacement, but the repair of equipment attached to the wind tower via electrical lines.  These computers are susceptible to power overloads, and sustain damage to circuitry if overloaded.  A lightning strike produces a power surge that does exactly that, causing not only damage to the components but shut down of the production systems during peak hours.  In order to bring production prices down, the damage must be minimized and systems kept online longer.

This task is accomplished through the installation of advanced surge protection devices for clean energy facilities, installed at critical points in the power chain.  Through the prevention of the surge from reaching the equipment used in the process, the expected repair and replacement costs drop and the systems stay online longer using free fuel to produce excess power.  As surge protection systems technologically advance further, we can expect prices to be driven down past the point of fossil fuel production, essentially eliminating it's necessity and replacing it.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Outdoor Active Cabinets

Surge protective devices are critical to the protection of computerized equipment against long term damage from small daily surges and fluctuations, as well as large-scale damage from surges caused by things like lightning strikes.  Equipment in the field has to contend with power surges and fluctuations just like typical equipment does, as well as a host of additional potential damaging issues that present themselves 24 hours a day.  Quite simply, some equipment utilized in industries such as telecommunications must be positioned within the public space, making it vulnerable to damage from weather, vandalism, rodent infestation and a variety of other causes.  Technical protection of equipment using surge protection devices is critical, and less technical protection of that equipment using things like outdoor active cabinets is equally crucial.

Outdoor active cabinets are specifically designed enclosures that allow for equipment placed int eh field to be protected against the elements.  The enclosures are generally designed and configured with specific industries and needs in mind, so as to allow for protection and functionality to both be considered.  The telecommunications industry is one of the primary users of outdoor active cabinets, as connections to towers and transmitters by users is the entirety of the service.  These cabinets must hold thousands of dollars worth of technically advanced equipment which must be able to function without overheating the enclosure itself and creating issues, while also being protected from the elements.  Lightning strikes and vandalism are thwarted by using high density aluminum, which prevents electricity from being conducted through the structure while still remaining strong.  Weak points where wires and cables must pass through to the outside are reinforced with grommets and other materials so as to prevent moisture penetration.  These points are also targeted by rodents looking for nesting opportunities, so additional attention must be placed on the areas to avoid damage by holes being chewed followed by moisture penetration.  In addition to these protective aspects, adequate air transfer must also happen to allow for cooling to be effective and prevent overheating.

The design of outdoor active cabinets to fit the needs of specific industries is best accomplished by the same companies providing protection on a variety of fronts, especially surge oriented protection.  Weather damage and lightning damage are the primary causes of replacement costs, as well as the costs associated with loss of customers due to connectivity issues when damage occurs.  Specifically designed and built outdoor active cabinets (street cabinets) are the best defense against the world.

Surge Protective Device

Electrical surge protection is a crucial part of any system that has the potential for damage as a result of electrical variances in current.  Many people are unaware that the flow of current that is provided to a home or industrial area is actually not fixed, and although the amount of flow that occurs on a regular basis is limited, the lines themselves have the ability to transfer more than that amount.  The most basic of surge protective devices is the breaker box, which essentially acts as a line of defense against variations in current moving past the street and into a home or complex.  The breakers are switches that cut off the flow if it exceeds a specific amount, and can then be reset manually to restore flow once it has been stabilized.  While it is actually rare that flow exceeds the levels that pop breakers, these are wide ranging and would allow more variance in the flow than would be essentially safe for computerized equipment.  Breakers are designed to prevent variations in current so great that they could potentially cause an explosion or fire, and while this prevention is certainly a good thing, they will still allow enough increase of current to harm the circuitry involved in computers and data processors.  These types of devices need additional surge protective devices installed just before flow would enter them, as a final and redundant form of protection against the minor surges that will cause damage or even degradation over time.  The same is true for industrial applications, who follow essentially the same types of setups just on a far larger scale.

Small fluctuations in electrical current happen every day, generally due to switching errors of instability within an electrical grid that feeds the home or complex.  Each and every time that current spikes and reaches an unprotected device, small amounts of damage are done to the internal components, shortening the life span of the device if not destroying it completely.  This ongoing and continual fluctuation creates a situation where the usable life of a piece of equipment is shortened, eventually needing replacement or repair.  Surge protective devices guard against this, and prevent it by never allowing the spike in current to make it to the device.  This prevents large transients from completely destroying equipment in an instant, as well as small transients from destroying equipment over time.  The costs associated with surge protective devices are small compared to repair or replacement costs of equipment, and the additional damage that occurs within certain industries to the customer base if service is interrupted.  Hard costs are easy to calculate, losses in business are harder to put a value on.  Surge protection devices prevent both of these types of losses by making the systems easier to reset after a surge instance and to get them back online quickly, minimizing downtime and at the same time protecting the equipment itself.

If you utilize computerized equipment either at home or in an industrial setting, verify that your surge protection systems are working and are adequate to protect your investment against the rare but destructive large surge, as well as the ongoing small surges that happen all the time.  Only through prevention can you protect your investments.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Electrical Protection Against Lighting

Industrial installations that are utilized for businesses are constantly at risk for damage to equipment.  This is primarily due to the exposed nature of an industrial installation, being located in a remote area or having structures that are taller than surrounding structures.  This physical makeup is necessary for most businesses to properly function, yet the very makeup of the installation also exposes it to inclement weather patterns.  The most damaging aspect of weather is lightning strikes, which produce large-scale damage both at the strike point as well as to the connected equipment.

Industrial installations like wind farms, solar farms, cellular tower systems and communications towers are all attractants for lightning strikes.  While there is little that can be done to prevent damage at the actual point of the strike, which will almost always be completely destroyed or at least seriously damaged and rendered offline, there is a phenomenon that happens post-strike that will actually produce more damage costs than the destruction at the strike point.  This involves the large surge of electricity that accompanies a lightning strike, and it;s ability to easily travel along power lines and data cables.  The structure that is in the field is generally connected to control equipment of some kind, nearly always being made up of sensitive computerized equipment that cannot withstand a surge beyond a set point without having circuit damage.  This equipment is directly tied to the structure that is in the field, and is the attractant for the lightning strike.  Once the strike happens, the surge of electricity produced travels along the connection lines overloading every piece of equipment in its path, and creating a situation where this equipment must then be repaired or replaced before functionality can be restored.  Only through adequate lightning protection can this damage be avoided, as surge protection devices are mounted along the power transfer lines and cables in order to immediately cut the flow if a surge is detected.

Through the integration of adequate surge protection within the critical paths that an electrical flow can travel, it is possible to isolate the damage of a lightning strike to the point of strike itself and no further.  This isolation of predictable damage can reduce operating costs for almost any business that uses industrial equipment to perform its function.  Without lightning protection, industrial operators risk large scale damage at any moment which ultimately could have been avoided.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Protection Of Wind Turbines

Wind power generation is accomplished using a process of harnessing the blowing wind to turn blades that are connected to a tower.  These blades are positioned at the top of the tower and are connected directly to a system that uses the momentum of the blades to create electricity.  This electricity is then stored and transported to customers for use within their homes and businesses.  Essentially, wind turbines are simple generators that use motion to create electricity.  That motion is the turning of blades by the wind, and as such the system benefits from the turbines themselves being positioned as the tallest structures in unobstructed areas that will gain the highest amount of wind flow.  This physical proximity to other objects is beneficial to the process of generating more electricity, and at the same time detrimental to the process of extending the life span of the equipment used.  This is due to the fact that the unobstructed and tall nature of the towers themselves make then attractants for lightning strikes.

Lightning striking the blades of wind turbines is common.  As a matter of fact it is so common that specialized insurance policies are necessary to cover damage as a result of weather occurrences.  Two things happen when blades are struck and rendered useless, damage at the point of the strike which must be repaired in order to restore the ability of the blade to harness the wind, and damage to the attached equipment as a result of the power surge that is produced by the strike.  This surge travels along connected lines that supply data and power from the turbine itself to the collection mechanisms, basically overloading the circuitry of any component in between.  While the lines themselves are able to transfer large amounts of electricity effectively, the components attached are limited in their capacities, and are therefore able to only withstand so much flow before damage occurs.  This damage will create a situation where not only is the equipment itself necessary to be repaired, but also the system itself is taken offline and unable to produce power until it is repaired.  This situation is especially damaging to the business because not only are costs associated with repairs and maintenance necessary to factor, but additionally the product that needs to be produced in order to pay for these repairs is not being produced for those time frames when the system is offline.  This is why it is so critical for wind power producers to protect their investment with adequate surge protection for wind turbines.  This is accomplished by outfitting the wind turbines and systems with surge protection devices which are not only technologically advanced, but are able to provide adequate protection in an industrial setting.  Extra robust housings and components are necessary to provide the levels of protection necessary, and the extra bonus of Raycap's products needing no resetting can also reduce the downtimes associated with repair.  It is nearly impossible to fully protect the blades to prevent strike damage, but Raycap's products can protect everything past the strike point.  This is the way to ensure minimal damages and replacement costs over time, while maximizing the production levels that are seen when every minute of time that the wind is present is accomplished.  Adequate surge protection is a key to effective power production using not only wind, but sun and any other sustainable fuel source as well.  The future of power production is green energy, and surge protection can bring those production prices and effectiveness into line with fossil fuels, thus bringing forth a cleaner planet with more affordable energy for all.