Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Solar Surge Protection


Solar Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/pv-surge-protection/


Solar power is not only a method of possibly creating a power source that is cheaper to manufacture, it very well might be necessary for survival in the future. Solar energy is being looked upon as the failsafe for the inevitable point in time when the fossil fuels run out, or become too expensive to be effectively used to generate power for the masses. If this point comes without solar being developed to the point of being able to produce an adequate amount of power to satisfy the needs of our biggest cities, we are most assuredly going to suffer. Imaging not having enough power to your house to use your computer or lights. That is a possibility of solar power is not developed to the point of being able to produce enough to satisfy everyone in your area. There is no ability to create more sunlight each day, so instead we are relying on ways to make more power from the same amount of sun. The way PV systems work is that sunlight is collected on a solar panel and used to heat liquid in a sealed system. This liquid flows and turns turbines in order to generate power. The fossil fuel systems work much the same way only they burn fossil fuels to create the turbine movement. Solar is a system that does not rely upon destroying an element to create the product, and therefor only relies upon how much of that sunlight can be collected during the day to put the system in motion. Extending the amount of uptime of the system itself is the best current method to produce more power with the same amount of sunlight, and the private sector is developing methods of achieving this longer uptime.


Through the integration of PV surge protection devices throughout the systems, the inevitable weather events that cause the majority of outages can be reduced. Lightning strikes to the panels are one of the primary causes for downtimes, as the panel is destroyed and the control equipment is damaged by the subsequent power surge. This massive surge of electricity flows along the connectivity lines and destroys equipment at the circuit level, creating far more damage that needs repair than a simple panel replacement. Because this situation is harder to fix in order to restore functionality, it takes longer and wastes more of the existing sunshine. Through the integration of PV surge protection along the critical pathways, the costs of creating power can be dramatically reduced at the same time as increasing the uptimes of the facilities. This creates clean power in a cheaper method, and also makes it more plentiful. Through these types of improvements and streamlining of processes, solar power will soon not just be an alternative that can be called upon in a pinch, but will become the mainstay of power production. This will replace the antiquated methods, and user in a new dawn of power being available for cheaper prices, while the atmosphere doesn’t suffer as well.

Why Surge Protection Is Important For Solar Panels


Why Surge Protection Is Important For Solar Panels

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/pv-surge-protection/


Solar energy production is considered by many to be one of the most important technological developments in the las 100 years. This is because the energy appetite of the world is growing every year, while the resources necessary to satisfy that consumption are growing less plentiful. The supply of fossil fuels that can be burned in order to move turbines to produce power is limited, and some models are showing the supplies to run out within the next few decades if the rate of consumption continues. This means that without the evolution of alternative energy sources that can completely fulfill the demand, we will be caught short and not able to supply the electricity that is needed. Imagine flipping your light switch on only to find out that there is not enough power produced in your area to fulfill your request! The rate of development of the technologies that can fill these needs has been slow, namely due to the lack of funding from governments and institutions that can solve the issues that keep development hindered. Government investment in technological research could move the development along faster, but the powerful fossil fuel industry does not want anything that threatens their bottom line to come about until it is absolutely necessary. They view the development of solar as a technology that could replace fossil fuel production as a threat to their current bottom line, so they work diligently to slow the development of the methods that could allow production totals to be enough to satisfy demand. This keeps fossil fuel production relevant.


Luckily, the private sector is not slowing down in its own development of solutions. One example of this is the development of surge protection devoices specifically for PV systems, which can both increase production totals as well as reducing costs. This is accomplished through thwarting the travel of power surges from the source to the equipment used in the process. Lightning strikes to solar panels is a common occurrence, and the power surge that follows flows along the connectivity cables that are necessary to join the panels to the control equipment. This pathway is used by the surging power to travel large distances from the strike point and overwhelm the equipment at the circuit level. This compounds damage that is caused by every strike, necessitating the repair or replacement of control equipment in addition to the panels. The system gets knocked offline for as long as the restoration process takes place, and as a result the amounts of power produced by the same amount of daily sunlight are diminished. Through the installation of PV surge protection, these surges can have little to no impact on that downstream equipment, limiting damage to the panels themselves. This allows for quicker restoration to functionality as well as lower operational costs, driving down the costs of electricity and cleaning up the environment at the same time. The private sector may be the saving grace of the world as far as atmosphere and economy

Surge Protection For Solar Panels


Surge Protection For Solar Panels

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/pv-surge-protection/


One of the biggest threats to solar power development is the fact that it is still on par with fossil fuel production. What this means is that even though there is little to no discussion about the fact that solar is a superior method from the aspect of cleanliness and damage to the atmosphere, the overall cost of production still hinders full favor from the public. Simply put, people do not like to pay more for something, even if the creation of that something had negative impacts. People weigh the pros and cons of their purchase decisions each time they make one, and if it is not an obvious and gratuitous problem that the manufacture is creating it will be overweighed by the cost savings. People are willing to risk their own health for the savings they can have, and that is being exploited by the companies who run fossil fuel plants. Through the leveraging of a lack majority public support, they can manipulate public funding to not fully develop anything that would promote the solar industry. They can stagnate the technological growth and development of the genre as a whole through forcing only private industry to fund innovation, and push the point of their replacement farther down the road. If solar was not only cleaner but cheaper over all, then there would be no discussion as to why we should continue using the older methods.


Luckily, private industry is solving these issues. One of the biggest contributions to the evolution of the solar industry has been the integration of surge protection devices into the systems. Through the integration of specialized PV surge protection, a large portion of the ongoing operational costs of power production can be reduced. This is done through the stoppage of power surges from using the power chain to deliver too much electricity to control equipment. When lightning strikes a solar panel, which is a common occurrence since they are remotely placed, the panel itself is not the only damage that occurs. An additional power surge travels along the connectivity cables and lines and overwhelms the equipment that is used in the process which is downstream. This compounds the need for repair and replacement beyond the panel, and also involves large amounts of the equipment as well. Through the integration of surge protection, the equipment downstream can be salvage or damage minimized to a point of not only saving money, but also keeping the systems online and producing for longer. This is because it is far easier to replace only the panel than the equipment as well. This gives the systems the ability to have longer uptimes when the sun is shining, thus creating more accessible power for public consumption from the same amount of fuel. Since the sun is free, the amount of power that can be produced is dependent upon how much uptime the system has while the sun is shining. Through this integration, we can improve the systems to be on par with the costs of production of fossil fuels, and the transition can be furthered.

Why Surge Protection For PV Is Critical


Why Surge Protection For PV Is Critical

Read More: Raycap-Solar-Brochure-G02-01-149.pdf


The understanding that we can not use fossil fuels forever in order to create electricity for our homes is common, and even those unfamiliar with the dwindling levels of fossil fuels will generally understand after only a few moments explanation. Simply put, the earth has a limited supply of fossil fuels to burn in order to make electricity, and sooner or later we will run out. Because of the understanding that the estimates of fossil fuel consumption place us in a precarious situation within only a few decades, the obvious conclusion is that we need to figure out alternative methods of creating power. Unfortunately, those with a vested interest in the fossil fuel forms of production are powerful, and would rather see their methods be the only game in town. As long as they can stagnate the progression of technology through the use of political avenues and misinformation, they can limit the support of development money flowing to the channels necessary to move the green technology forward. They can literally keep their own methods profitable by limiting the technological progress of the alternatives. Luckily, this can only go on so long before the natural progression of technological advancement takes hold, fueled mostly by the private market that cannot be manipulated by the interests. One of the most poignant developments to happen over the last few decades within the space is the integration of advanced surge protection devices into the systems that generate green energy. Through this integration, one of the avenues that has historically cost money is controlled, ultimately bringing down the production costs to around the levels of fossil fuels, These advancements also make the plants more able to produce at a higher capacity, using the same amounts of sunlight. As long as green energy production plants remain online, the fuel source that is available for free for half of each day is not squandered.


How this all transpires is hinged on the fact that the solar power plant must position solar panels within the danger zone in order to work appropriately. Solar panels must be remotely located and not surrounded by taller structures, so as not to interfere with sunlight collection. This makes them the path of least resistance to the earth for lightning strikes, creating a situation that damages several components critical to the process. The panels are damaged by explosion and fire at the strike point, and the subsequent power surge travels along the connections from that panel to the control equipment. This overwhelms that equipment at the circuit level, and takes it offline until repair or replacement can happen. This tragic situation limits capacities as well as costing repair budgets, making the totals that are seen as far as production costs go higher than the rival fossil fuels. Through the integration of surge protection along the routes that excess power can flow, these losses can be minimized and a more satisfying amount of power can be produced each day that the sun is shining. This is how the future of solar power will play out, and eventually take the lead.

Surge Protection For PV Systems


Surge Protection For PV Systems

Read More: Raycap-Solar-Brochure-G02-01-149.pdf


Photovoltaic systems that produce electricity for public consumption rely upon solar panels that are positioned in a way that they are not compromised by shade. The entire job of a solar panel is to collect as much sunlight as possible in order to utilize that fuel source to expand liquid within a sealed system. That expanding liquid flows through tubes and eventually creates motion within a turbine that generates electricity. Only through the harnessing of as much of that sunlight as possible does the system work to its fullest capacity, and produce as much electricity as possible using that free fuel source. Any shade or night-time situation where the sun is not fully present compromises the output of electricity for that panel, and as a result of this fact solar producers must place the panels into harm’s way in order to gain the maximum. The harm that is being produced is the potential for being struck by lightning as the panels are positioned in a way that makes them the most opportune strike point during a storm. Lightning takes the path of least resistance to the ground, generally striking the tallest structure within a range of where the lightning bolt originates. If that panel is the most opportune target, then it gets struck. This will almost always result in the need for repair or replacement of the panel, but also results in damage to the control equipment that is directly connected to it. This is due to another issue, that the computerized equipment necessary to the process also must be connected to the exposed panel through direct lines that can conduct electricity. These control wires and cables allow a power surge to move along them and impact the equipment that is nowhere near the strike point, generating far more damage that simply the place where the lighting struck. In order to fully restore the functionality of the system, all of these items must be repaired or replaced, losing critical moments that the sun is shining and the system could be producing. In the competitive world of power manufacture, solar systems need to operate at full capacity in order to come close to the productivity and cost basis of fossil fuel systems, and until they are monetarily comparable it is going to be difficult to imagine a world powered exclusively by renewable energy.


One major development in the solar world is the integration of surge protection throughout the systems along pathways that electrical surges can travel. This reduces or completely eliminates the secondary damage that adds to production costs, as well as making system restoration easier and less time consuming after the inevitable strikes happen. This integration allows systems to function far closer to their intended capacities for longer periods of time between maintenance, and this brings the total amounts of electricity produced far closer to the fossil fuel standards. Combined with the reduced operational costs, we have a potential in the future for more reliable as well as less expensive power for the entire world.

Friday, September 30, 2022

AC and DC Surge Protection


AC and DC Surge Protection Devices

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/product-types/surge-protection/ac-protection/


The type of electric current your device or component relies upon to function has a lot to do with the amount of necessary electricity. This means that “alternating current” (AC) and “direct current” (DC) are used in different applications due to the nature of the delivery of each. For example, suppose a source of a large amount of electricity is necessary to power a component that is being connected to a power supply. In that case, alternating current will probably be the best source because it can deliver large amounts of electricity over long distances. Electricity degrades over distance, traveling along the supply lines and diminishing as it does.


Alternating current works as a wave of electricity that is delivered along those lines, and it takes its name from the waveform that the current takes. AC pulses produce electricity in a way that travels further with less degradation. AC means that the continual supply of a certain amount of electricity necessary can be delivered fairly consistently by pulses of electricity provided from the origin point. But AC current often delivers electricity outside of a safe range and can also move in two directions, essentially flowing backward in addition to forward. AC electrical delivery requires surge protective devices having a low Voltage Protection Rating (VPR), which UL assigns an SPD. Installing an SPD with a low clamping or let-through voltage will protect sensitive equipment from too much electricity reaching it. Installing an SPD that cannot reduce the residual voltage of a power surge to levels that the equipment can accept fails to protect that equipment. The delivery of a pulse of electricity with varying ranges and the ability to flow backward can and does cause unwanted damage to the electrical protection itself. This is why it is critical to utilize surge protection devices and systems that are specifically designed to manage the surges caused by AC electrical flow.


DC or “direct current,” is named for the current’s linear movement. In contrast to the wave motion of the AC current, this waveform is more linear. DC is primarily used for devices having their supply of nearby power – being supplied by a battery or generator. DC power is delivered more consistently, with a specific amount of electrical flow, but it cannot be transmitted over long distances at the needed strengths. Certain applications lend themselves to DC power, for example, solar power, fuel cells and telecommunications systems. Telecommunications passes voices as signals, and if AC power were to be used in this application, disturbances to the voice lines due to the alternating current would disrupt communication. On the other hand, there is no such limitation in DC power. Specific types of surge protection devices, those that can safely manage the DC, are necessary to prevent the slow degradation of the circuitry involved in the components using this type of power supply.


While some surge damage may not be immediately noticeable in electrical systems, it shortens the equipment life span by its insidious nature, and operations become more labored as the circuitry becomes less able to perform. The ultimate result is the need to repair or replace the component earlier than typically would be needed, costing money in replacement costs that actually do not improve the functionality. If the repair or replacement of components just to keep the same level of operations occurs, the operating expenditures go up, and profits decline.

AC And DC Surge Protection


AC And DC Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/product-types/surge-protection/ac-protection/


There are differences in the flow of electricity that is used to power equipment in various applications. Because of these differences, there is a need to create surge protection devices that function to stop the eventual power surge that can take place within either “alternating current” AC, or “direct current” DC waveforms. The primary difference in AC vs DC is that an AC type of current “alternates,” and travels as a wave while the waveform of the DC is more linear. AC is a pulse of energy instead of a continual and direct stream. The AC pulse creates a waveform and ultimately means that the level of electricity increases and regularly decreases as it travels. AC power also flows in two different directions. It can reverse itself, meaning that the types of surge protection devices (SPD) used to control this current type must be able to recognize and detect the safe and natural flow types and the levels outside of the normal range.


The entire purpose of surge protection devices is to prevent electrical flow outside of a safe range from ever encountering components connected to the power supply. Sensitive devices can be damaged immediately if the levels of electricity become more than they can tolerate. Because of this a purpose-built surge protection device must be used that can clamp the voltage to with in levels that the equipment can tolerate. The wave-like motion of the AC electrical current allows the current to travel for greater distances without degradation, so it is preferable for most types of applications. “Direct current” or DC is used in applications using batteries or fuel cells, where the components are attached to a nearby power source. While DC can be used for devices that need a tremendous amount of electricity, that flow is reduced as it moves further from the source.


Because these electrical waveforms have specific uses, specific purpose-built surge protection devices must be deployed to manage the power flow to the connected equipment safely. In DC flow, there will be a constant level of electricity moving in a single direction from when the draw happens until it is shut off. Because DC power delivers such a consistent voltage, it is the type of power required for most electronics. In fact, most electronics have DC power sources that convert AC power from the outlets to DC power through a rectifier before it reaches the equipment. In addition, power supplies often have both rectifiers and transformers that can raise or lower the voltage to the appropriate level. Protecting DC power requires specific SPD designs, behaviors, and electrical installation knowledge. Advancements in the designs and development of DC surge protectors have made them more able to prevent damage to electronic equipment. AC and DC power flows are unique and used in different circumstances, generally determined by the amount of power necessary to power a component and the distance from that energy source. The specialized protection devices designed for each help to reduce damage and save budgets.

Friday, September 2, 2022

PV Surge Protection and Solar Power

PV Surge Protection and Solar Power

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/pv-surge-protection/


Solar power is an essential developing technology. Many might be shocked to hear that solar power is still a nascent technology. However, the basics that make up the actual mechanics still need improvement for it to be recognized as a technology that can overtake fossil fuel production. As fossil fuels become scarcer, we can expect prices for power production using these sources to increase, as well as becoming more challenging to use as a logical method moving forward. This clarifies the importance of fully developing the aspects of wind and solar necessary to allow them to one day eliminate fossil fuels as the primary method of producing electricity for consumers. We need to correctly identify the types of products with a limited future and begin moving towards those that can be sustainable so as not to provide massive disruptions and issues. If we were to run out of fossil fuels or another circumstance made it difficult to use them in this application, there needs to be an alternative method that can fully take up the slack of production. For most experts, solar is the most logical choice.


Solar is different than fossil fuel energy production in that it collects sunlight to make it work. Instead of burning a fuel source, the sunlight is collected on a panel and then used to heat the liquid inside a closed system. The flow of this liquid causes turbines' movement, which ultimately creates electricity for distribution. Solar power production is unlimited as long as sunshine is available and produces no pollution when performing the tasks it is designed for. Due to the unlimited supply of sunlight, it replacing the waning fossil fuels is a logical choice as they become more scarce. It is also a logical choice for those concerned about the pollution that burning things creates. The drawback to solar power production is that it relies upon a collection device positioned in an unobstructed way, while also being connected to optimization equipment that is computer driven. This creates the potential for a lightning strike to the panel to reverberate through the system in the form of a power surge, producing strike point damage and circuit damage to the connected components. This makes solar production more expensive right now than fossil fuels are.


The way to reduce production costs effectively is to limit the damage caused by predictable events. For example, panels will get struck by lightning, but we can salvage the equipment downstream by developing a photovoltaic surge protection system that effectively stops the surging electricity that follows. By developing better PV surge protection systems, these power production plants function more efficiently and are less costly, which can put them into the position of logical replacements for fossil fuels someday. We are not quite there yet, but developing technologies are making it more of a reality every day.

PV Surge Protection And Solar Producers


PV Surge Protection And Solar Producers

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/pv-surge-protection/


It is essential to plan for the future, especially if the future potentially holds significant changes that will impact the entire world. With regards to electricity production, nearly the whole globe relies upon burning a fuel source to manufacture electricity. The fossil fuels currently used for this purpose are the same ones that have been used for 100 years, and as the populations that rely upon electricity for daily life grow, so does the need for more and more electricity to service them. This is not just putting a strain on the fossil fuel market, but instead has identified that it will not be sustainable in the future. Simply put, we are quickly running out of fossil fuels to burn to make electricity, and we need a valid method of replacing those fossil fuels that can sustain the same levels of production that we currently have. If we were to run out before the processes of production that can take up the slack are fully flushed out, we will face the problem of a lack of power. This is simply not an option. This is why there is such a push to develop wind and solar power production methods fully.


While wind and solar are essentially worked out as far as the methods necessary to produce power, but it is currently unable to replace fossil fuel production for two reasons fully. It is too expensive, and it cannot generate enough power to satisfy the needs of major cities. Until these issues are worked out, we will continue to rely upon the limited resources of fossil fuels to meet the demand. Luckily, these two issues are being solved with the same technological improvements. PV surge protection systems are making it so that solar-producing plants can make more power from less sunlight and do it at cheaper costs. This is done by limiting the amount of damage that happens regularly to these plants, namely, caused by lightning strikes to the panels. In addition, these panels are being developed from cheaper materials making them more accessible and less expensive to replace when the inevitable happens. Still, the additional integration of surge protection devices designed explicitly for PV systems also dramatically cuts costs. These surge protection devices cut off the flow of power when the surge of electricity created by a lightning strike flows through the system and overwhelms the components attached to the panels. By integrating these devices along the critical pathways electricity can follow, we minimize the damage resulting from strikes. This keeps the plants online and functioning for more extended periods while the sun is shining and extends the life span of the components involved. By developing more effective surge protection systems for photovoltaic operations, we can potentially see a real replacement of fossil fuel production in the future.

PV Surge Protection Systems And Profitability


PV Surge Protection Systems And Profitability

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/pv-surge-protection/


Photovoltaic power production systems work by positioning a panel that collects sunlight in an open area capable of collecting as much as possible. That panel then utilizes the collected sunlight to heat liquid within an enclosed piping system. The fluid expands and creates a movement or flow, ultimately moving turbines that produce static electricity for collection. The positioning of the panel is critical to the amount of power that can ultimately be made, as the sheer volume of available sunlight directly impacts the volume of power ultimately produced. For this reason, control equipment is continually optimizing the panel position and improving the liquid's ability to flow. These necessary interconnections between components present a significant challenge to the solar industry and have made it slow to progress due to the need to improve the systems to increase the amount of power that can be produced in 24 hours. The systems also need to be enhanced to do this at a lower cost than simply burning fossil fuels. Until that happens, we will continue to see solar power be looked at as interesting but unable to be relied upon as a primary fuel source.


The improvement of PV surge protection systems has brought about a dramatic change in the potential profitability of solar farms through the extension of uptimes and equipment lifespan. By enabling systems to stay online longer while the free power source of the sun is available is critical to profits, and due to the exposed nature of the panels and their interconnection to other equipment, lightning strikes hinder profits. The lightning strikes the panel doing damage that must be repaired before the system can go back online and continue to produce. The power surge that is produced by the strike moves through the system and creates additional damage to the equipment downstream, further necessitating the need for repairs. This costs the business money in both repairs and downtime during peak production hours. The downstream damage can be minimized or even eliminated by integrating PV surge protection devices at the places where electricity can flow. There is little ability to shield from a lightning strike fully. Still, by minimizing the damage to the panel itself instead of the connected equipment, the system can be restored to function much faster and for far less cost. When this is worked into the systems operating as much as humanly possible, the savings over time and the increases in production can potentially make solar power a reliable and cost-effective primary source for consumers. Once PV surge protection systems are entirely doing their job, other cost-saving and production-increasing methods can be implemented that will possibly push solar into the forefront of production. We do not know what the future holds, but if the current development indicates, we may someday be living in a solar world.

PV Surge Protection Systems


PV Surge Protection Systems

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/pv-surge-protection/


PV surge protection systems are one of the major assets that increase profitability for the solar industry. This increase in profit margin comes in two forms, but both these forms result from the same systems designed to optimize the performance of equipment used in the process. The most apparent form of profit increase comes from inclement weather destruction of equipment. Bad weather impacting exposed components, especially in the form of lightning strikes to the equipment, causes damage that must be repaired or replaced to restore functionality. Lightning striking the solar panels themselves produces significant damage at the strike point, but unfortunately, the creation of cheaper solar panels does not solve the issue. Instead, we find that the subsequent power surge that is produced by the strike also creates a significant amount of damage. The surge of electricity created by the strike moves through the interconnected components, overwhelming those components at the circuit level and creating damage that must be repaired before functioning can be restored. Integrating PV surge protection devices and components along the critical pathways over which the electrical flow happens can minimize and even eliminate the damage that occurs downstream from the strike. By mitigating the amount of damage resulting from these natural occurrences, we can ultimately improve the bottom line by keeping equipment active for more extended periods.


The main loss of profitability within solar operators occurs when the systems that produce power for customer consumption go offline. Downtime for photovoltaic operators happens when systems are offline during the times when the sun is shining and can create power. Due to the limitations of the systems being unable to produce effectively at night or when the sunlight is not optimal, any additional downtimes can prove to be critical for operations. The solution to these issues is to install surge protective devices within inverter locations, string boxes, and along any pathway that a power surge can travel. Inverter manufacturers have realized the necessity of surge protection, and many are already building devices and systems into their products. Through this push towards damage reduction from the obvious natural sources, we are seeing modern versions of these components able to outlast their previous generations by significant amounts of time. Through the push for longer uptimes and physical damage reduction, the solar industry can find better pathways toward the profitability necessary to make it a primary form of electrical power for production. For it to replace fossil fuel production, the systems themselves need to operate more effectively at producing power reliably and for lesser costs. This is being made more realistic by solving past issues that have hindered it. We may see a tipping point in the industry through surge protection devices for PV systems within the next few years.

Solar And Photovoltaic Surge Protection


Solar And Photovoltaic Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/pv-surge-protection/


The solar industry has faced challenges since its beginning, always fighting the uphill battle of support and funding. The main reason funding for developing new and improved techniques is difficult to come by is that the public is essentially being asked to pay slightly more for the same product that is generated using fossil fuel methods of production, that method being dirtier but cheaper. The fossil fuel industry interests have been able to move sentiment away from renewable energy by downplaying the damage caused by fossil fuels. Simply put, producing electricity using fossil fuels causes pollution and environmental damage. Still, because that damage is difficult for the public to see, the fossil fuel industry claims it does not exist. Because of these manipulative techniques, we find that people will vote not to provide extra funding towards research into cleaner methods, instead putting support behind the more damaging practices as long as they cost less. Because of this lack of support and funding for development, the solar industry has not yet moved to the point of being able to produce power cheaper. Everyone agrees it is cleaner but still does not support putting extra funds into projects that will make it a viable replacement regarding costs. This keeps fossil fuel production in the leading position and pushes solar and wind power into the background. For this reason, the industry is forced to create innovations using only private funding and interest.


Photovoltaic surge protection is a development that has moved the solar industry forward toward the goal of possible viability as far as replacement, being developed almost exclusively by private individuals and companies. The issue that needed solving was that solar panels are exposed and prone to lightning strikes. Lightning strike surges damage the solar panel and the control equipment connected to the panels. Through the integration of effective methods of stopping the power surges that follow a lightning strike, private industry has been able to reduce the costs of ongoing operations of solar producers and improve the amount of time they are operational. By keeping the repair and replacement process simple, the systems can go back online faster after a strike, allowing them to produce power for longer periods when the sun is shining. This creates more energy for the exact costs, ultimately driving the total cost of each unit of electricity down to a more competitive level. We are very close to finding that solar power producers have the ability to produce enough power to keep the lights on in major cities without fossil fuel backups and can do it for a lower price. This shows that special interests may have slowed the solar industry but it cannot be stopped.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Cell Phone Surge Protection


Cell Phone Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


Nearly every person in most developed countries has a cell phone. Every one of these people connects to a network where their phone can receive and transmit signals to other users also connected to that network. Through inter-network cooperation, these networks can connect users that are on networks different than the one they use. Even though there is competition between carriers, they all understand that not allowing customers to connect to those outside of their network would be bad for business, losing them subscribers. The providers earn customer loyalty by providing superior service and low prices, competing by offering the highest call clarity and the fastest speeds. Outside of the contract periods that customers enter into to receive a discount on purchasing a device, these companies realize that customers are always potentially tempted to switch carriers. The primary method of keeping customers loyal in the last few years has been low prices and the largest network of cell towers. Connectivity is critical to the industry, with customer frustration building through lost or dropped calls and those customers potentially being stolen by competitors offering better connectivity in that area. This competition has led to a race to place as much equipment in the field as possible. Every piece of equipment used for the process of connecting calls is at risk all the time, with power surges and lightning strikes to the equipment being the most damaging event. Because lightning is unpredictable and naturally occurring, damage from direct lightning strikes is difficult to avoid. But damages from the surges that follow lightning strikes can be mitigated using lightning protection systems. That power surge will cause significant damage as it runs through the systems along conductivity lines and materials. This ability to travel effectively allows that surge of power to overwhelm the circuitry of the connected devices, creating outages that need to be repaired to restore functionality. Once the damage has occurred, it is a race to fix the components and restore functionality as quickly as possible to avoid customer frustration and the potential for reconsidering their provider. Because of this ongoing competition, cellular providers have taken steps to minimize the amount of damage that can occur by installing industrial surge protection solutions and systems. These devices are installed to protect the equipment from the electricity that can travel and provide the ability to stop a surge before it overwhelms the next component. By minimizing damage, carriers can stay more competitive through better uptimes and connectivity, while keeping prices lower by ensuring that equipment can be functional for longer periods. Surge protection has become a significant line of defense for nearly all providers, who rely upon it to extend their equipment life span and assist in the retention of customers as a result. Your calls are clearer and cheaper through surge protection, and you are no doubt happier as a customer.

Cell Tower Surge Protection


Cell Tower Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


One of the major contributing factors to high cellular bills is the continual and ongoing repair of equipment in the field. That is not referring to your cell phone, but instead to  the network equipment (radios, antennas and other active equipment) that is used to connect your device to the network itself. The number of interconnected devices positioned strategically in the field is staggering. This equipment allows a cellular device to transfer or receive from its position, and the strength of that signal is determined by how unobstructed and nearby the network equipment is. As cellular technology has evolved, we have created more powerful and faster connectivity devices capable of delivering data to the network faster. Still, the signals from these devices cannot be broadcast for the vast distances of slower connection equipment.

For this reason, the desire of customers to transfer and receive data faster has lead to a rush on the part of cellular networks to install 5G or higher devices in more locations than ever. These installations must be closer to the ground and closer to one another to prevent dropped calls as users move through streets around them. While the older structures and technology are still effective and able to pick up the slack if no faster signal is available, the race to create the fastest network with the best coverage is underway by all providers. This creates the situation of hundreds of cellular installations all around us, with every bit of that equipment critical. Damage to network equipment is a very real possibility and can often come as a result of lightning strikes to or near the towers or the equipment itself. This is compounded by the power surges that follow a lightning strike. While the direct lightning strike is brutal and damage from it cannot be avoided, further damage from the lightning surge to equipment in the field can be minimized through the use of specialized lightning protection systems coupled with external surge protection solutions. Operational expenditure budgets can be reduced by this means.


Through the installation of robust industrial surgeprotection devices along the pathways which electricity will follow, damage generally seen after a lightning strike can be minimized. Connected devices at tower tops and base stations form the paths that electrical surges can take to easily flow and damage equipment if external surge protection is not installed. These power surges can overwhelm and damage equipment that will need repair or replacement, all of which cost money. Through the installation of surge protection devices, this subsequent damage can be minimized or avoided altogether by creating a gap or diversion which does not allow the electricity to reach any components downstream. As a result, industrial surge protection helps to conserve equipment repair budgets and ultimately keeps the cellular bills of consumers lower by keeping the networks functioning with less need for repair or replacement. While no system is perfect, our connected world is improving daily thanks to improvements in cell site surge protection.      

Cellular Lightning Protection


Cellular Lightning Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


At the most basic level, cellular technology can be understood as a device in your hand beaming and receiving signals to and from a tower nearby. That tower pushes those signals to a network where they are connected to the correct person or entity on the other side. This may seem simplistic, like the cord stretched between two tin cans you used as a child, but it is far more complex and expensive. Expense is drive by new technology being rolled out and new phone improvements. All of these new features must have the ability to be connected to the network you pay for, or they will go unused on your phone. This means that cellular network providers are in a constant state of expansion and upgrade, all the while attempting to figure out effective ways to minimize the damage that can happen to the necessary equipment that is positioned in the field. Each tower or installation takes hundreds of thousands of dollars of investment to allow for the latest technology on your phone to be utilized, meaning that those carriers are deploying more equipment into the field every day. Every component is at risk from many ways that it can be damaged, the most extreme being lightning strikes and the power surges that follow them. These are so dangerous for cellular providers because the strike itself is usually not the worst of the damage. That comes in the form of the power surge that follows the strike, which travels along conductive materials and power lines that interconnect the equipment in the installation. This excess power quickly overwhelms the circuitry of any component it comes into contact with. The only effective method of preventing damage is to stop the surge before it hits the next component. This is accomplished through lightning protection systems at the cell sites and the integration of high-tech surge protective devices along the pathways that electricity can travel. These devices provide the ability to keep the levels of electricity at range safe to the equipment. If that range is breached they activate to divert the excess energy to the grounding system. Surge protection allows the network provider to potentially salvage equipment that they would expect to be damaged by these naturally occurring events, keeping that equipment functional for extended periods. In addition, it provides the ability for the tower or installation to remain operational for longer, or be restored to functionality faster. This keeps customers happy because they are more easily able to connect and maintain the network, ultimately putting all those features they pay for to use. Even though it could be viewed as an additional expense regarding operating a cell network, external surge protection is critical in today’s competitive climate. This is because the network with the lowest prices, best coverage, and longest equipment uptimes are the winners. Surge protection systems help to facilitate success.

Cellular Surge Protection Systems


Cellular Surge Protection Systems

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


The simple act of connecting your calls involves far more than most people understand. While the antique method of childhood communication of stretching a string between two cans has the same basic premise as a corded telephone, the cellular version of communications is quite different. Corded phones essentially connected two users directly, allowing a patch to happen between users on each side of the call, that patch being facilitated through a phone network. Any two numbers can be connected or disconnected this way, allowing the transfer of voice signals while connected. Cellular technology works in this regard only through the specific connection of users, the rest being very different. There is no direct connection of user to user. Instead, the connection consists of digitized signals that are beamed to transmitters without wires, then processed through a network of computers to a different user. This connection without a direct wire from user to user presents challenges, namely, in that you must be within range of a cellular receiver or transmitter for that data to move to the network. The speed with which that data will process depends upon the specific types of signals transmitted by that transmitter or receiver and the device's capability to process that type of signal. This translates to the need for closer proximity to the equipment, the faster the signal speed, necessitating the installation of more and more transmitting and receiving devices all around you. The miles that your signal from your cell phone used to travel now is less than a quarter mile if you are to be connected using the fastest data transfer capabilities. If there is no compensating installation nearby, you will find the signal weakens as you move even a few feet farther away from these devices. This requires a lot of equipment in the field, which can all be at risk of damage from weather events, including lightning strikes.

Cellular lightning protection and surge protection systems are designed to reduce the risk that telecommunications companies must bear to connect your calls. The equipment around you is at risk for damage in many ways, from lightning strikes or power surges. Although many different scenarios could also damage the equipment, these are two situations that cause the most damage and have a valid method of prevention. Installing surge protection devices that will keep lightning surge from flowing along the connected equipment prevents significant damage, ultimately helping with business profitability. By preventing the electrical surges from overwhelming the circuitry the function of the cell site is protected. While the lightning strikes that cause the surge may be impossible to stop, the following lightning surge damage can be mitigated by installing the proper surge protection at the cellular site. The damage is effectively minimized by integrating effective surge protection methods and devices. This helps keep the businesses profitable and calls connected without wires.

How Cellular Towers Are Protected From Lightning Strikes


How Cellular Towers Are Protected From Lightning Strikes

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


Most people probably have a basic understanding of how a cellular tower works, and while they might not know the specifics, they understand that they must be near one to connect. Their cellular device has all the latest features and the ability to utilize the latest 5G technology to transfer data quickly over the network, but that device cannot utilize any of those features if they are not available in your region. The rollout of 5G and higher speed access has been aggressively accomplished through the different network providers to lure new customers to their business, offering faster speeds than their competitors. Unfortunately, this involves the installation of hundreds if not thousands of new towers and other setups all around the consumers themselves. The region that a 5G signal can cover is quite small compared to the older speeds, which could place a cellular tower every mile or so and still provide total coverage for users. In high-density locations, the newest network speeds can only be accessed for a few hundred feet around the equipment, meaning that for your 5G phone to receive a 5G signal, these new equipment installations must happen in your area. Because the major metropolitan regions will have more connecting users, those regions have prioritized rolling out the equipment. As the network providers complete these densely populated regions and create blanket coverage, they move on to lesser populated areas. All of this equipment is at risk of damage, and it is all quite expensive. Coupled with the fact that new rollouts of technology cost money, there is also the fact that consumers are generally not willing to pay extra for that technology. They do not want their bills raised, yet they want the latest access, which costs millions of dollars to install. The solution to this issue is to protect the equipment at all costs.


Lightning strikes on cellular towers and installations can be one of the major causes of loss as far as the operational budget of the network provider. Continually updating the equipment, then repairing it when it gets damaged is a continual drain on revenues. This drain would generally be compensated for by raising prices, but the hyper-competitive nature of the cell industry will not allow for this solution. The answer is to invest heavily in equipment that can protect the existing and installed components in the field, protecting them as much as possible from damage. By installing industrial surge protection systems, some of the expected damage from lightning strikes and surges can be avoided effectively. This allows the providers to allocate more resources to rolling out 5G into new areas instead of constantly repairing the equipment that has already been deployed. This ability to conserve budget where it previously could not be is a game changer in the cellular market, allowing for better service at lower prices for consumers.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Cell Site Surge Protection Systems


Cell Site Surge Protection Systems

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


The telecommunications industry is invaluable to nearly everyone in our modern and connected society. Over the years, telecom companies have attempted to compete in the market, only to be swallowed up or purchased by the major corporations. This has eventually led to an industry dominated by several prominent players who build and control their networks. All the remaining cell providers use the networks created and maintained by the majors. These networks essentially interconnect nearly everyone in the United States and feature a connection point to most people in major metropolitan areas. This is accomplished through the presentation of towers every few miles to every few hundred feet within these regions, needing to be within a short distance to devices on the ground to provide basic connectivity. Enhanced speeds and clear signals are dictated by the strength of the tower signals, communications equipment used, and proximity to the user. As the speed of connectivity increases, the expenses associated with deploying and maintaining that tower or installation are also increased. This increased cost must be paid for by the consumers subscribed to the service, consumers who have proven that they are not happy with increasing prices. As a result, alternative methods of reducing prices must be developed, the most obvious being the reduction of operational costs. One of the main methods of accomplishing this goal is the integration of surge protection devices for cell sites installed at critical pathways within the system.

Surge protection is one of the most critical aspects of telecommunications, as the expensive equipment necessary for the process is positioned in harm's way to achieve the connectivity needed for users' devices. Within each tower or installation resides thousands of dollars’ worth of radios and associated equipment, all of which are subject to damage that can occur from various methods. One of the most common damage threats is lightning strikes to or around that equipment, resulting in a chain reaction of destruction with several dire implications. The first and most apparent is the need for repair or replacement of that equipment at a cost to the operational budget of the network provider. The second implication is the potential consumer dissatisfaction while that equipment is offline.

For this reason, robust Class I surge protection devices must be implemented on cell sites to reduce the damage that typically occurs from a lightning strike. The power surge that follows these strikes travels along with the wiring that interconnects the devices necessary to the process, ultimately damaging both the devices at the strike point and those connected to it. Surge protection devices installed along the pathways this power surge can travel will reduce the amount of damage beyond the point of the strike, keeping equipment intact and towers functioning. This in turn keeps customers happy and loyal to the provider.

Driving Down Costs With Surge Protection


Driving Down Costs With Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


One of the most obvious ways to reduce the charges that customers must cover to remain profitable is to extend the life span of equipment. This means that when a piece of equipment is placed into service in any industry, it will have an operational life span that is relatively predictable. This measurement is not necessarily based on the expected life span that the manufacturer predicts, considering the wear and tear of normal operations. Instead, each industry must create their own expectations based on the ways that the equipment is used, and the environment it is used in. For example, the radios and transmitters used in the telecommunications industry atop cell towers will have an expected life span that considers normal wear and tear. However, when communication companies consider the equipment's longevity, they must also assess the risks from lightning surges. These threats produce damage that can both not be and can be avoided. Effective protection of cell sites in exposed regions must consider an entire suite of potential destructive elements. For example, lightning strikes to the tower or anywhere around it can allow a massive power surge to couple into the structure itself and the cables and wires that join equipment together. To function properly this equipment is interconnected in order to enable normal power flow to be supplied and for data to travel from component to component. These pathways are also used by the resulting power surge that comes from a lightning strike to move electricity from the strike point to adjacent structures. These induced surges can overwhelm any piece of equipment in their pathway. The result is damage to equipment that is potentially far from the strike point itself and a loss of functionality within that equipment chain. This results in customers not being able to connect to that tower and the need for repair and replacement of that equipment before its time.

Cost reduction in the telecommunications industry is necessary to keep customer prices low while still evolving to the latest technologies to remain competitive. The equipment in any tower costs thousands of dollars, which is only increasing as new technology is rolled out. In order to maintain the lower prices that consumers demand, telecom companies have needed to integrate surge protection equipment into the systems so as to avoid the lightning strike and surge threat. Through the redundant installation of devices along all pathways a surge can travel, we find that costs can be reduced over time. Extending the expected life span of equipment in the field is the best method for companies to remain competitive in the current telecom market. Ultimately, the evolution of even better surge protection devices and systems will further that cause. Saving capital expenditures through equipment protection is an essential part of the future network.

Surge Protection Is Critical For Telecom


Surge Protection Is Critical For Telecom

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


The telecommunications industry is unique for a few reasons. The most obvious is that most people need a cell phone connected to a high-speed network to accomplish most of the tasks on their plate. Additional unique aspects of the industry are that the equipment utilized to make that connection of the customer phone to the persons or websites on the other end is all at risk 24 hours a day. The extreme expense that the major providers undertake to facilitate the most competitive customer satisfaction situation is constantly in need of repair and maintenance, as well as growing more obsolete every minute it is in use. Technological developments make the latest and greatest features only relevant for a few years afterward they need to be replaced or risk their customers moving to a competitor. As the transition to 5G started, there were already rumblings of the next iteration of high-speed data transfer that would replace it. This means that all the investment into 5G equipment being positioned in the field will also need to support the next-level networks within a few years. Even during that time when it is not obsolete, the positioning of equipment out in the field constantly puts it at risk from lightning strikes and the resultant surges that will damage or destroy the electronic circuitry inside the cell sites. This constant need for ongoing maintenance and replacement makes the operation of these networks very expensive, with the costs needing to be paid by customers in order to maintain profitability.

For cell network providers to make money without continually raising fees, they have turned to the conservation of the maintenance budget to bring down monthly operational expenses. This focus means they are exploring new ways to extend the life span of the equipment positioned in the field, trying to get every possible minute out of a component before it needs to be removed or replaced with a new version. The longer a component can functionally perform a relevant task, the more money is saved in the budget. Because lightning strikes cause power surges that damage equipment used in the process, the main push for life span extension methods is surge protection equipment. These devices are mounted along the pathways that power surges travel within the cell towers when a lightning strike happens, attempting to stop the surge before it encounters the next piece of sensitive equipment. As the technology behind surge protection devices themselves progresses, we are finding that cell network providers can get longer functionality periods out of the equipment costs already invested. The towers themselves also stay online for more extended periods. This is the one two punch that helps networks remain competitive, provide the latest and most significant services that lure new customers, and retain the ones that they currently have. The best surge protection systems equal the most customer loyalty, and the most profits.

Surge Protection Devices In Cell Towers


Surge Protection Devices In Cell Towers

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


Most people using cellular devices do not think much about the technology that goes into making calls and connecting to the internet. They probably think even less about the extreme challenges that the industry faces to make that convenience happen, all the while doing it affordably. For your cell phone to connect a call or retrieve information from the internet, it must connect to the network with which a consumer is registered and contracted. That network equipment is positioned everywhere. A cell tower operating on the average speed technology will be able to serve people for about a mile around it, and the installations that provide higher speeds can only provide service to people with devices within a few hundred feet. Each of these installations has tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment, ranging from receivers to transmission devices that relay that signal and data back to the network hub. All this equipment is placed into a pole or installation that is generally higher in position to most other things around it to give a clear signal to the devices on the ground. Being positioned at such height makes them prime targets for lightning strikes, lightning generally seeking the path of least resistance to the ground. When lightning strikes a cell tower, it damages at the point it hits in the form of fire and explosion, but the damage does not stop there. A massive power surge then follows, traveling along conductive surfaces and materials within the tower. This surge will often couple into the power and data transfer lines that interconnect the equipment within that installation, overwhelming and damaging the circuitry of components even great distances from the strike point. These dangers illustrate the extreme amount of installation costs as far as equipment necessary to connect calls but also the amount of cost that goes into upkeep. Any time a component is damaged, it will need to be repaired or replaced before the tower will regain full functionality. This costs the company operating the network as far as equipment but also costs them in the form of potentially lost customers. Patrons who cannot connect to the cell tower near them because it is damaged are forced to rely on the weaker signals of towers further away, reducing their ability to have the experience they expect. All of these issues must be solved in a way that does not increase the customers' monthly bills.

To keep monthly bills low cell network operators rely on surge protection devices installed within their towers and installations. These devices can stop surging electricity and prevent it from coming into contact with equipment downstream. Through this investment, most of the equipment in a tower or installation can be salvaged after a lightning strike, ultimately keeping that tower functioning longer for less money. That translates to a happy customer and a strong signal.

Surge Protection To Save Cell Customers Money


Surge Protection To Save Cell Customers Money

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


Reducing costs to conserve operational budget is nothing new, and most companies will engage in some form of it. The more competitive the industry, the more attention will need to be paid to saving money. In a hyper-competitive industry like telecommunications, it can be the difference between success and failure as a company. There are only a handful of telecommunications companies that operate their own networks. The rest are simply leasing space from the leading industry players. The network you are connecting to is the most important thing regarding the quality of your calls or access to the latest technologies that will enhance your experience. This means that when you choose a cell phone carrier, you ultimately choose the network they operate on over the few other available networks. Most people will make that decision because of the reception and data transfer speeds available at their home or place of business. Most calls and internet access occur within only a few miles of the home or business, so the number of towers the provider has positioned in that area is crucial to that user’s experience. The more towers positioned in an area and outfitted with the latest technology, the better experience an end-user will have. The costs associated with accessing that network through the chosen provider will depend on many things. Still, the network operating costs will be the majority of that bill. Simply put, it costs a great deal of money to keep those cell phone towers updated and functional, and you as a consumer are the one paying that bill.

Most cell phone networks invest heavily into surge protection to conserve operational budget. This is because one of the greatest threats to repair and maintenance budgets as well as customer retention rates is lightning strikes. The lightning is attracted to the tower because it stands alone as the tallest structure in the region. It strikes the tower or around it, allowing a massive power surge to travel through the conductive materials and connectivity wires, overwhelming the circuitry of any component that it touches. The way to protect that equipment is to provide a method of stopping the inevitable surge when it happens, limiting the number of components it comes into contact with. The integration of surge protection along these pathways allows the equipment to be salvaged for continued operation for longer periods while also keeping that particular cell tower operational. The outcome is less operational expense and happier customers that stay with the company they have chosen because of satisfaction with the service. If costs can be kept low, they also experience a feeling of “getting their money’s worth,” which retains them for longer as customers. Surge protection may be the most important aspect of cellular operation you are unaware of.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Your Cell Network Needs Protection


Your Cell Network Needs Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/



The cellular provider that you choose probably provides you with a level of service that you expect for the price you are paying. What this means is that most people choose their cellular provider being sensitive to price for their plan, and expect that they will probably not get the top-level of speeds or service unless they are paying a premium. The overwhelming majority of cellular customers expect to make some sacrifices in order to keep their bills affordable, falling somewhere in between the customers who want the best of everything and the customers who only want a basic phone plan. This is the lion’s share of the market, with a few companies competing for these customers. These companies also allow smaller carriers to use their networks in order to provide service to their own customers, however the majority of the main competition is where the innovation and expansion is happening. This is because these main companies are the ones who are able to improve customer experience through upgrades to their own networks, as well as investing into new areas that have traditionally been lesser served. The ultimate goal is coverage for all customers at all times, no matter where they are in the country. This involves a significant amount of investment into new equipment and its positioning in the field, because the only way to provide service to those in more remote areas is to place new cell sites near enough to them to allow the transfer of data from their devices to the tower. Every time that a new tower is erected, or an existing tower is upgraded with new equipment that will provide faster speeds or stronger signals, it represents more risk to the company. The risks come in the form of damage to that expensive equipment, as well as unsatisfied customers who cannot gain access to the network if that nearby cell site is not operational. This is why the equipment used in the field must be protected with surge protection devices.


SPDs allow for the minimization of damage within cell sites when lightning strikes happen to or around that site. The lightning strikes produce damage at the strike point, but the main share of the damage that is seen as a result of strikes comes from the power surge that follows. This surge is strong enough to destroy circuitry in the equipment involved, as well as knocking that site offline until which time that repairs can be made. The surge travels along the power and data transfer lines used typically in the process, easily overwhelming the circuits that provide functionality. Only through the investment into technologically advanced surge protection devices can that expensive equipment remain functional and without damage, ultimately providing customers with continual connectivity. This investment on the part of the major carriers is included into the costs of the rollout or upgrade to towers and cells sites in general, so as to improve their customer experience and get the most out of their existing equipment.

The Overwhelming Need For Cell Site Surge Protection


The Overwhelming Need For Cell Site Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/



Cellular network service has become not only integral, but crucial to our lives in the modern era. Imagine being without cell service in an emergency, or when there is a need for immediate communication. This is the case in many areas outside of California and Nevada where unpopulated areas of desert make it less of an immediate necessity to put cell towers, and the major cell carriers have made the decision that it is not worth the investment to position equipment in the field due to a lack of a large population that would be accessing that tower. This is the sad reality, that your connectivity actually has very little to do with your level of equipment, and more to do with the proximity of your phone to the nearest viable tower. Each cell tower that you are being connected to represents a significant investment to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and must be done in a way that will benefit the business. Each network is expanding continually through the ownership making decisions to expand to new areas that are considered viable for their customers. The existing cell towers are upgraded with new equipment to make the network more powerful and the connection speeds faster for the customers, and each decision involves the allocation of resources to that improvement. Each cell tower that is put into place also represents a risk to that equipment, and the potential for damage that then must be repaired or replaced. This is the reasoning behind the appropriate allocation of resources to the places where it will make the most impact. It is not good business to put equipment at risk if it is not going to deliver as far as new customers.


The way to protect equipment in the field is to identify the main threat, then to create solutions that will prevent that damage. In the case of cell sites, the integration of surge protection devices throughout the system helps to prevent the main source of field damage, that being lightning strikes and power surges as a result. The lightning strike produces damage at the point it hits, then allows a huge power surge to couple into the lines that interconnect the equipment in that tower. This power surge will travel through the system overwhelming each piece of equipment unless surge protection devices stop that surge in its place. This means that in order to provide insurance against damage and the additional loss of customers as a result of connection frustration, companies must factor in the surge protection system. This system allows for the cell tower to stay online for longer periods of time, and prevents a large portion of the damage that must be rectified in order to keep that tower viable. For this reason, surge protection for cell sites is as necessary for the modern age as cell networks themselves, because you cannot use what you cannot connect to.

Surge Protection Helps Keep Cellular Bills Low


Surge Protection Helps Keep Cellular Bills Low

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


Most customers decide which cellular company to use with a combination of motivating factors. For most consumers, the price of the monthly plan is the major component that they consider when choosing the company that is right for them. A close second to the amount of money it will cost them every month is the features that they can receive with that plan, as well as the connectivity and speed of the network. If a person has trouble connecting to the network in the area surrounding where they live or work, they are probably not going to stick with that company. For this reason, a cellular company that wants the business of the customers in a certain area is going to need to invest in putting towers and cell sites within a mile or so of those customers. Without that placement, those customers will not use that company because they will get poor reception and connection. Once an area has been allocated and the site is live, the company must then continually invest in the latest equipment that will allow customers to transfer data at the fastest speeds. This also represents ongoing significant investment that is necessary. All of this equipment in the field is constantly at risk of damage from the natural events that occur in isolated and unobstructed areas where towers and sites must be placed. The most damaging of these is lightning strikes, which can destroy equipment both at the strike point as well as some distances away. This is due to the power surge that follows the strike, ultimately traveling along the wires and cables that join equipment used in the process together. The power surge overwhelms any equipment that it contacts, destroying it at the circuit level and necessitating the need for repair or replacement. Add these costs to the installation and upgrade costs, and we can see easily why your monthly cell phone bill costs so much.


The way that cellular companies reduce the amounts that must be charged to customers on a monthly basis is by installing surge protection devices along the critical pathways where electricity can travel. By creating a blocking potential, a power surge can be thwarted before it hits the equipment, while in normal operational times the electricity flows through and past the SPD. This gives a controlled flow capability to the cell site, only allowing the safe amount of electricity necessary to power the equipment used in the process. Anything over that amount will be blocked or rerouted to a safe distribution area where it will not damage the equipment. This salvaging of equipment from the natural events that can damage it helps to reduce the operational costs, and allows the cell company you choose to remain competitive in the marketplace. They can offer you the best plan and the fastest speeds at prices which are affordable, ultimately making them a potential choice for your continued business. Customers are only as loyal as they need to be, and keeping them satisfied is the way to gain an edge on the competition.