Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Overwhelming Need For Cell Site Surge Protection


The Overwhelming Need For Cell Site Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/



Cellular network service has become not only integral, but crucial to our lives in the modern era. Imagine being without cell service in an emergency, or when there is a need for immediate communication. This is the case in many areas outside of California and Nevada where unpopulated areas of desert make it less of an immediate necessity to put cell towers, and the major cell carriers have made the decision that it is not worth the investment to position equipment in the field due to a lack of a large population that would be accessing that tower. This is the sad reality, that your connectivity actually has very little to do with your level of equipment, and more to do with the proximity of your phone to the nearest viable tower. Each cell tower that you are being connected to represents a significant investment to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and must be done in a way that will benefit the business. Each network is expanding continually through the ownership making decisions to expand to new areas that are considered viable for their customers. The existing cell towers are upgraded with new equipment to make the network more powerful and the connection speeds faster for the customers, and each decision involves the allocation of resources to that improvement. Each cell tower that is put into place also represents a risk to that equipment, and the potential for damage that then must be repaired or replaced. This is the reasoning behind the appropriate allocation of resources to the places where it will make the most impact. It is not good business to put equipment at risk if it is not going to deliver as far as new customers.


The way to protect equipment in the field is to identify the main threat, then to create solutions that will prevent that damage. In the case of cell sites, the integration of surge protection devices throughout the system helps to prevent the main source of field damage, that being lightning strikes and power surges as a result. The lightning strike produces damage at the point it hits, then allows a huge power surge to couple into the lines that interconnect the equipment in that tower. This power surge will travel through the system overwhelming each piece of equipment unless surge protection devices stop that surge in its place. This means that in order to provide insurance against damage and the additional loss of customers as a result of connection frustration, companies must factor in the surge protection system. This system allows for the cell tower to stay online for longer periods of time, and prevents a large portion of the damage that must be rectified in order to keep that tower viable. For this reason, surge protection for cell sites is as necessary for the modern age as cell networks themselves, because you cannot use what you cannot connect to.

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