Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Telecommunications Protection Systems


Telecommunications Protection Systems

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


Telecommunications is an industry that people rely on in order to survive. Our phones have become integral in our lives in order to function and maintain the lifestyle that we have become accustomed to. We now rely on instant communication and access to data in the modern world, which ultimately is made possible through the ongoing expansion of the networks of cellular towers and sites across the country and the world. This ever-expanding network of connectivity is the responsibility of a handful of major carriers who own the equipment used in the process, and is relied upon not only by them but also by the smaller carriers who do not have networks of their own. Through this dedication to connectivity, these carriers are continually investing into new equipment that is used in the towers that exist, as well as in towers that do not exist yet. The only way to expand a network is to add new sites and towers in regions that currently do not have connectivity, or have a limited amount of connectivity due to a low number of towers and sites that can be accessed by customers. The network providers must constantly find new regions where towers can be placed so as to improve that blanket of connectivity, or upgrade the equipment inside of the existing sites to be more powerful. The upgraded equipment makes the signals stronger, allowing for faster transfer speeds and clearer calls, but usually is not used to boost the distances that can be covered by a single site. In fact, 5G connectivity using the stronger signals is actually shorter range meaning that blanket coverage of an area in fast speed connectivity needs more sites than ever. This continually positions more and more equipment in the field, all of which is at risk for damage.


The biggest threat to telecommunications equipment in the field is lightning strikes, and the surges of electricity that follow them. The damage that happens at the strike point comes in the form of explosions and fires, and is not easily able to be avoided. The major damage to systems overall actually comes from the power surge, which travels along connectivity lines and through conductive materials. This power surge damages equipment in its path at the circuit level, as these components can only process a certain amount of electricity before the circuitry inside them is destroyed. The only way to combat this issue is through the integration of surge protection devices and systems into that site or tower, generally between the remote radio head and the base station unit. This prevention technique stops the flow of electrical overages that can damage equipment, stopping the flow or diverting it in a way that will not allow the excess to come into contact with the components further down the line. This salvages equipment inside of each site from the common occurrences of lighting strikes and damage, saving budgets and allowing for less operational expenses.

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