Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Protection Of Data Through SPDs

Protection Of Data Through SPDs

Anyone that has experienced data loss understands the pain and annoyance that is involved.  The functionality level of systems is directly proportional to the amount of data that can be integrated into that system in order to more fully support the needs of the user.  Thinking about it from a personal level, you can compare the difficulties associated with data loss on a company level with losing your phone.  When you got your phone, the first thing you did might have been to experiment with the systems that were integrated into it and explore the functionality that it provided.  You began to take these systems and input your personal data into them to use their ability to make your life more convenient.  You input contacts in order to provide a quick and easy way to not only remember information about other people, but also to contact them without needing to look up their information and input it yourself.  You put your personal preferences into different settings and applications within the phone in order to provide yourself shortcuts to the way that you prefer to use that system.  If you had to adjust the volume on your phone every single time that you used it, not only would it be irritating, but also an exorbitant waste of time.  The systems are designed to store information about you as a user in order to allow for a more streamlined experience on your part.  Your phone actually becomes more functional over time as more information is input, eventually becoming so integrated into your life as the go-to source for information and connectivity that you almost can’t exist without it.  Now imagine suddenly being without that device or any of the convenience that it provides.  If your phone suddenly blew up, you can go and purchased a new phone exactly like your old one, but you’ll have to go through the entire process of restoring that functionality all over again.  Until this is completed, the phone will only provide the bare minimum of functionality it has been designed to do.

Now imagine if you are in control of a business system that thousands of people rely upon for information of some sort.  The system has been built over time to integrate the data of the customers and provide the convenience and functionality that they demand of you.  Suddenly all this information is gone, and you’re left with only the minimal functionality of a system without data.  Customers would be angry and leave, losses would be catastrophic, and the business might not even survive the incident.  Therefore, protection of data through surge protection systems is so critical.  Electrical surges are one of the leading causes of data loss to businesses, and there is no ability to predict when they will occur.  These types of losses are as a result of mistakes or errors within the system, and as a result are difficult to thwart.  The best that a company can do is provide redundant backups and the highest level of protection against surges that is available to them.