Monday, August 1, 2022

How Cellular Towers Are Protected From Lightning Strikes


How Cellular Towers Are Protected From Lightning Strikes

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Most people probably have a basic understanding of how a cellular tower works, and while they might not know the specifics, they understand that they must be near one to connect. Their cellular device has all the latest features and the ability to utilize the latest 5G technology to transfer data quickly over the network, but that device cannot utilize any of those features if they are not available in your region. The rollout of 5G and higher speed access has been aggressively accomplished through the different network providers to lure new customers to their business, offering faster speeds than their competitors. Unfortunately, this involves the installation of hundreds if not thousands of new towers and other setups all around the consumers themselves. The region that a 5G signal can cover is quite small compared to the older speeds, which could place a cellular tower every mile or so and still provide total coverage for users. In high-density locations, the newest network speeds can only be accessed for a few hundred feet around the equipment, meaning that for your 5G phone to receive a 5G signal, these new equipment installations must happen in your area. Because the major metropolitan regions will have more connecting users, those regions have prioritized rolling out the equipment. As the network providers complete these densely populated regions and create blanket coverage, they move on to lesser populated areas. All of this equipment is at risk of damage, and it is all quite expensive. Coupled with the fact that new rollouts of technology cost money, there is also the fact that consumers are generally not willing to pay extra for that technology. They do not want their bills raised, yet they want the latest access, which costs millions of dollars to install. The solution to this issue is to protect the equipment at all costs.


Lightning strikes on cellular towers and installations can be one of the major causes of loss as far as the operational budget of the network provider. Continually updating the equipment, then repairing it when it gets damaged is a continual drain on revenues. This drain would generally be compensated for by raising prices, but the hyper-competitive nature of the cell industry will not allow for this solution. The answer is to invest heavily in equipment that can protect the existing and installed components in the field, protecting them as much as possible from damage. By installing industrial surge protection systems, some of the expected damage from lightning strikes and surges can be avoided effectively. This allows the providers to allocate more resources to rolling out 5G into new areas instead of constantly repairing the equipment that has already been deployed. This ability to conserve budget where it previously could not be is a game changer in the cellular market, allowing for better service at lower prices for consumers.

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