Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Surge Protection For Solar Panels


Surge Protection For Solar Panels

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/pv-surge-protection/


One of the biggest threats to solar power development is the fact that it is still on par with fossil fuel production. What this means is that even though there is little to no discussion about the fact that solar is a superior method from the aspect of cleanliness and damage to the atmosphere, the overall cost of production still hinders full favor from the public. Simply put, people do not like to pay more for something, even if the creation of that something had negative impacts. People weigh the pros and cons of their purchase decisions each time they make one, and if it is not an obvious and gratuitous problem that the manufacture is creating it will be overweighed by the cost savings. People are willing to risk their own health for the savings they can have, and that is being exploited by the companies who run fossil fuel plants. Through the leveraging of a lack majority public support, they can manipulate public funding to not fully develop anything that would promote the solar industry. They can stagnate the technological growth and development of the genre as a whole through forcing only private industry to fund innovation, and push the point of their replacement farther down the road. If solar was not only cleaner but cheaper over all, then there would be no discussion as to why we should continue using the older methods.


Luckily, private industry is solving these issues. One of the biggest contributions to the evolution of the solar industry has been the integration of surge protection devices into the systems. Through the integration of specialized PV surge protection, a large portion of the ongoing operational costs of power production can be reduced. This is done through the stoppage of power surges from using the power chain to deliver too much electricity to control equipment. When lightning strikes a solar panel, which is a common occurrence since they are remotely placed, the panel itself is not the only damage that occurs. An additional power surge travels along the connectivity cables and lines and overwhelms the equipment that is used in the process which is downstream. This compounds the need for repair and replacement beyond the panel, and also involves large amounts of the equipment as well. Through the integration of surge protection, the equipment downstream can be salvage or damage minimized to a point of not only saving money, but also keeping the systems online and producing for longer. This is because it is far easier to replace only the panel than the equipment as well. This gives the systems the ability to have longer uptimes when the sun is shining, thus creating more accessible power for public consumption from the same amount of fuel. Since the sun is free, the amount of power that can be produced is dependent upon how much uptime the system has while the sun is shining. Through this integration, we can improve the systems to be on par with the costs of production of fossil fuels, and the transition can be furthered.

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