Most people do not understand how cellular towers work. They are content to simply turn on their phone and know that they have a signal, and that is the extent of their understanding of how the process works. Few realize the extraordinary amounts of expense that goes into making that connection to the network happen, and the threats to it as well. When you pay your monthly bill you are paying for a portion of this expense, and also demanding that you receive faster and clearer services every month without prices going up. It is a difficult business to navigate and remain profitable in, which is why analysts within the space are continually looking for ways to reduce operational costs. One of the best methods of reducing costs while at the same time increasing the connectivity and service levels is through the integration of advanced industrial surge protection devices.
The cellular tower is generally the tallest structure within a large area, so as to provide an unobstructed path to a customer phone with a signal. This makes them prime targets for lightning strikes, and causes a situation where the equipment within the tower that results in you having a signal is continually in danger. The computerized equipment in the tower is mainly comprised of a RRH (remote radio head) and a BSU (base station unit.) As the names tell, the RRH is at the top of the tower and the BSU is at the bottom. Both are computerized and will be damaged by a power surge, and both are expensive. When the inevitable lightning strike to the tower happens, the RRH will probably sustain damage which will need to be repaired or replaced. This expense is expected, and is minimized through construction of more robust towers. The RRH is connected directly to the BSU through data transfer and power lines, and the surge that follows a lightning strike will travel along these lines and damage the BSU as well, even though it was not at the strike point. The integration of advanced surge protection devices can minimize or even eliminate the damage to the BSU, saving repair costs that would otherwise be necessary. Protecting this equipment will also ensure faster restorations of service from the tower, making customers be more likely to continue utilizing that particular network.
The integration of industrial grade surge protection equipment is critical to the advancement of the cellular industry, as profits must be maximized if companies are to stay in business. The growing need for more data transfer and faster speeds requires the integration of even more expensive equipment ever year. Only through maximizing the life span of this equipment can customers get what they are looking for.
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