Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Technologically Advanced Electrical Protection


As the equipment which is utilized by businesses grows more technologically advanced, so too must the equipment which is utilized to protect investment.  System components in almost every business are continually being upgraded and improved in order to provide higher levels of the service that they are designed to provide.  By performing at a higher level, the profitability of the business is able to be influenced in a positive way.  The simple aspect of almost every type of business is that the more improved the systems can function, the more profitability can be had by the business itself.  These improvements can come in the form of speed as well as uptime.  Creating proper service in a faster time frame will provide more profitability.  Allowing systems to remain online and functional for longer periods of the day will also provide more profitability.  It is the constant struggle of businesses to influence these types of elements in a positive way in order to remain competitive.  Each business within an industry that provides the same types of products and services is going to attempt to outmaneuver their competition through innovation of either their systems or their process.  Many times this innovation and improvement will require investment into more technologically advanced equipment, and with that investment comes the potential for greater losses as a result of unforeseen incidents.

Lightning strikes are going to happen, and even though they cannot be predicted as far as when or where they will happen, it must be expected that sooner or later they will take place.  Industrial facilities are generally housed in regions where they are vulnerable to lightning strikes, and the physical makeup of the structures within the facility act as an attraction for lightning strikes themselves.  Simply being the tallest structure within a region is going to make that particular structure have the potential to be a strike point.  The damage that occurs at the point where lightning strikes is almost unavoidable, but the unfortunate damage as a result of the subsequent power surge has the potential to be avoided through the integration of specialized systems.  Advanced electrical protection has the ability to stop the excess electrical flow from moving from component to component, ultimately minimizing and isolating that damage to the point in between the lightning strike itself and the first surge protection device.  In the past, these devices were rendered inoperable after they performed their duty, ultimately leaving the entire operation vulnerable to subsequent lightning strikes and surges, as well as taking the systems offline from the function that it was tasked with.  The restoration of the system to functionality was reliant upon resetting or replacing the electrical protection devices, but the evolution of Raycap’s technologically advanced Strikesorb surge protection devices allows systems to now stay operable even after these surge incidents.  Through this technological advancement in the surge protection industry, businesses are able to operate more effectively as well as within a greater level of security and protection against damage

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