Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Your Cell Network Needs Protection


Your Cell Network Needs Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/



The cellular provider that you choose probably provides you with a level of service that you expect for the price you are paying. What this means is that most people choose their cellular provider being sensitive to price for their plan, and expect that they will probably not get the top-level of speeds or service unless they are paying a premium. The overwhelming majority of cellular customers expect to make some sacrifices in order to keep their bills affordable, falling somewhere in between the customers who want the best of everything and the customers who only want a basic phone plan. This is the lion’s share of the market, with a few companies competing for these customers. These companies also allow smaller carriers to use their networks in order to provide service to their own customers, however the majority of the main competition is where the innovation and expansion is happening. This is because these main companies are the ones who are able to improve customer experience through upgrades to their own networks, as well as investing into new areas that have traditionally been lesser served. The ultimate goal is coverage for all customers at all times, no matter where they are in the country. This involves a significant amount of investment into new equipment and its positioning in the field, because the only way to provide service to those in more remote areas is to place new cell sites near enough to them to allow the transfer of data from their devices to the tower. Every time that a new tower is erected, or an existing tower is upgraded with new equipment that will provide faster speeds or stronger signals, it represents more risk to the company. The risks come in the form of damage to that expensive equipment, as well as unsatisfied customers who cannot gain access to the network if that nearby cell site is not operational. This is why the equipment used in the field must be protected with surge protection devices.


SPDs allow for the minimization of damage within cell sites when lightning strikes happen to or around that site. The lightning strikes produce damage at the strike point, but the main share of the damage that is seen as a result of strikes comes from the power surge that follows. This surge is strong enough to destroy circuitry in the equipment involved, as well as knocking that site offline until which time that repairs can be made. The surge travels along the power and data transfer lines used typically in the process, easily overwhelming the circuits that provide functionality. Only through the investment into technologically advanced surge protection devices can that expensive equipment remain functional and without damage, ultimately providing customers with continual connectivity. This investment on the part of the major carriers is included into the costs of the rollout or upgrade to towers and cells sites in general, so as to improve their customer experience and get the most out of their existing equipment.

The Overwhelming Need For Cell Site Surge Protection


The Overwhelming Need For Cell Site Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/



Cellular network service has become not only integral, but crucial to our lives in the modern era. Imagine being without cell service in an emergency, or when there is a need for immediate communication. This is the case in many areas outside of California and Nevada where unpopulated areas of desert make it less of an immediate necessity to put cell towers, and the major cell carriers have made the decision that it is not worth the investment to position equipment in the field due to a lack of a large population that would be accessing that tower. This is the sad reality, that your connectivity actually has very little to do with your level of equipment, and more to do with the proximity of your phone to the nearest viable tower. Each cell tower that you are being connected to represents a significant investment to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and must be done in a way that will benefit the business. Each network is expanding continually through the ownership making decisions to expand to new areas that are considered viable for their customers. The existing cell towers are upgraded with new equipment to make the network more powerful and the connection speeds faster for the customers, and each decision involves the allocation of resources to that improvement. Each cell tower that is put into place also represents a risk to that equipment, and the potential for damage that then must be repaired or replaced. This is the reasoning behind the appropriate allocation of resources to the places where it will make the most impact. It is not good business to put equipment at risk if it is not going to deliver as far as new customers.


The way to protect equipment in the field is to identify the main threat, then to create solutions that will prevent that damage. In the case of cell sites, the integration of surge protection devices throughout the system helps to prevent the main source of field damage, that being lightning strikes and power surges as a result. The lightning strike produces damage at the point it hits, then allows a huge power surge to couple into the lines that interconnect the equipment in that tower. This power surge will travel through the system overwhelming each piece of equipment unless surge protection devices stop that surge in its place. This means that in order to provide insurance against damage and the additional loss of customers as a result of connection frustration, companies must factor in the surge protection system. This system allows for the cell tower to stay online for longer periods of time, and prevents a large portion of the damage that must be rectified in order to keep that tower viable. For this reason, surge protection for cell sites is as necessary for the modern age as cell networks themselves, because you cannot use what you cannot connect to.

Surge Protection Helps Keep Cellular Bills Low


Surge Protection Helps Keep Cellular Bills Low

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


Most customers decide which cellular company to use with a combination of motivating factors. For most consumers, the price of the monthly plan is the major component that they consider when choosing the company that is right for them. A close second to the amount of money it will cost them every month is the features that they can receive with that plan, as well as the connectivity and speed of the network. If a person has trouble connecting to the network in the area surrounding where they live or work, they are probably not going to stick with that company. For this reason, a cellular company that wants the business of the customers in a certain area is going to need to invest in putting towers and cell sites within a mile or so of those customers. Without that placement, those customers will not use that company because they will get poor reception and connection. Once an area has been allocated and the site is live, the company must then continually invest in the latest equipment that will allow customers to transfer data at the fastest speeds. This also represents ongoing significant investment that is necessary. All of this equipment in the field is constantly at risk of damage from the natural events that occur in isolated and unobstructed areas where towers and sites must be placed. The most damaging of these is lightning strikes, which can destroy equipment both at the strike point as well as some distances away. This is due to the power surge that follows the strike, ultimately traveling along the wires and cables that join equipment used in the process together. The power surge overwhelms any equipment that it contacts, destroying it at the circuit level and necessitating the need for repair or replacement. Add these costs to the installation and upgrade costs, and we can see easily why your monthly cell phone bill costs so much.


The way that cellular companies reduce the amounts that must be charged to customers on a monthly basis is by installing surge protection devices along the critical pathways where electricity can travel. By creating a blocking potential, a power surge can be thwarted before it hits the equipment, while in normal operational times the electricity flows through and past the SPD. This gives a controlled flow capability to the cell site, only allowing the safe amount of electricity necessary to power the equipment used in the process. Anything over that amount will be blocked or rerouted to a safe distribution area where it will not damage the equipment. This salvaging of equipment from the natural events that can damage it helps to reduce the operational costs, and allows the cell company you choose to remain competitive in the marketplace. They can offer you the best plan and the fastest speeds at prices which are affordable, ultimately making them a potential choice for your continued business. Customers are only as loyal as they need to be, and keeping them satisfied is the way to gain an edge on the competition.

Telecommunications Protection Systems


Telecommunications Protection Systems

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/


Telecommunications is an industry that people rely on in order to survive. Our phones have become integral in our lives in order to function and maintain the lifestyle that we have become accustomed to. We now rely on instant communication and access to data in the modern world, which ultimately is made possible through the ongoing expansion of the networks of cellular towers and sites across the country and the world. This ever-expanding network of connectivity is the responsibility of a handful of major carriers who own the equipment used in the process, and is relied upon not only by them but also by the smaller carriers who do not have networks of their own. Through this dedication to connectivity, these carriers are continually investing into new equipment that is used in the towers that exist, as well as in towers that do not exist yet. The only way to expand a network is to add new sites and towers in regions that currently do not have connectivity, or have a limited amount of connectivity due to a low number of towers and sites that can be accessed by customers. The network providers must constantly find new regions where towers can be placed so as to improve that blanket of connectivity, or upgrade the equipment inside of the existing sites to be more powerful. The upgraded equipment makes the signals stronger, allowing for faster transfer speeds and clearer calls, but usually is not used to boost the distances that can be covered by a single site. In fact, 5G connectivity using the stronger signals is actually shorter range meaning that blanket coverage of an area in fast speed connectivity needs more sites than ever. This continually positions more and more equipment in the field, all of which is at risk for damage.


The biggest threat to telecommunications equipment in the field is lightning strikes, and the surges of electricity that follow them. The damage that happens at the strike point comes in the form of explosions and fires, and is not easily able to be avoided. The major damage to systems overall actually comes from the power surge, which travels along connectivity lines and through conductive materials. This power surge damages equipment in its path at the circuit level, as these components can only process a certain amount of electricity before the circuitry inside them is destroyed. The only way to combat this issue is through the integration of surge protection devices and systems into that site or tower, generally between the remote radio head and the base station unit. This prevention technique stops the flow of electrical overages that can damage equipment, stopping the flow or diverting it in a way that will not allow the excess to come into contact with the components further down the line. This salvages equipment inside of each site from the common occurrences of lighting strikes and damage, saving budgets and allowing for less operational expenses.

Cell Site Surge Protection


Cell Site Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/



Over the years, one of the essential industries regarding communication and productivity has become the telecommunications industry. This business is dominated by a handful of major players and additional smaller carriers that can only be in business by utilizing networks built and owned by the major players. This scenario often means that just a few companies are driving the innovation and improvement in the industry. These companies compete for customers based upon a few specific aspects of life improvement, cost, technology, and convenience. Most customers state that they are most sensitive to cost, with the second most important aspect influencing their decision to choose a company with optimal connectivity. Even though nearly everyone will say that the fastest speeds and the latest features are important to them, they also understand that they may not be able to afford the highest-end phones or newest features due to their financial budgets. Consumers make their decisions based upon having the most available features offered in an affordable plan.

Connectivity is a significant feature with regard to competition because a high-end phone or expensive plan is worthless if there is low-quality connectivity in your area. For this reason, the major cell carriers are continually improving their coverage areas and speeds through the installation of new equipment and sites. Your connectivity to the network depends on the cell tower within about a mile of your general location, meaning that great coverage in the next city over means nothing to you as a customer. Cell companies must continually invest in developing new sites in areas that are growing in population, putting more equipment into the field with the rollout of each new cell site. Each piece of equipment positioned in the field represents an investment risk to the cell company because that equipment is always able to be damaged. The greatest threat to cell site equipment is lightning strikes and the subsequent power surge that can couple into transfer lines. Because these lines are designed to carry power from one position to the next, the power surge produced by the lightning strikes to (or around) the towers quickly travels along them great distances. This surge destroys the circuitry of unprotected equipment, creating losses as far as the equipment itself and as a result of unsatisfied customers who can no longer connect to the network. The risk of damage from a lightning surge is why the investment of advanced surge protection equipment from Raycap is important. The “always-on” features of Raycap SPDs allow the towers to remain functional even after a surge incident, minimizing the amount of damage and time that disruption to service might cause. Happy customers who can connect to the network and experience satisfactory features for a low price stay loyal to that company. That’s good business.