Cell Phone Surge Protection
Read More: https://www.raycap.com/cellular-site-surge-protection-systems/
Nearly every person in most developed countries has a cell phone. Every
one of these people connects to a network where their phone can receive and
transmit signals to other users also connected to that network. Through
inter-network cooperation, these networks can connect users that are on
networks different than the one they use. Even though there is competition
between carriers, they all understand that not allowing customers to connect to
those outside of their network would be bad for business, losing them
subscribers. The providers earn customer loyalty by providing superior service
and low prices, competing by offering the highest call clarity and the fastest
speeds. Outside of the contract periods that customers enter into to receive a
discount on purchasing a device, these companies realize that customers are always
potentially tempted to switch carriers. The primary method of keeping customers
loyal in the last few years has been low prices and the largest network of cell
towers. Connectivity is critical to the industry, with customer frustration
building through lost or dropped calls and those customers potentially being
stolen by competitors offering better connectivity in that area. This
competition has led to a race to place as much equipment in the field as
possible. Every piece of equipment used for the process of connecting calls is
at risk all the time, with power surges and lightning strikes to the equipment
being the most damaging event. Because lightning is unpredictable and naturally
occurring, damage from direct lightning strikes is difficult to avoid. But
damages from the surges that follow lightning strikes can be mitigated using
lightning protection systems. That power surge will cause significant damage as
it runs through the systems along conductivity lines and materials. This
ability to travel effectively allows that surge of power to overwhelm the
circuitry of the connected devices, creating outages that need to be repaired
to restore functionality. Once the damage has occurred, it is a race to fix the
components and restore functionality as quickly as possible to avoid customer
frustration and the potential for reconsidering their provider. Because of this
ongoing competition, cellular providers have taken steps to minimize the amount
of damage that can occur by installing industrial surge protection solutions
and systems. These devices are installed to protect the equipment from the
electricity that can travel and provide the ability to stop a surge before it
overwhelms the next component. By minimizing damage, carriers can stay more
competitive through better uptimes and connectivity, while keeping prices lower
by ensuring that equipment can be functional for longer periods. Surge
protection has become a significant line of defense for nearly all providers,
who rely upon it to extend their equipment life span and assist in the
retention of customers as a result. Your calls are clearer and cheaper through
surge protection, and you are no doubt happier as a customer.