Solar Surge Protection
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Solar power is not only a method of possibly creating a
power source that is cheaper to manufacture, it very well might be necessary
for survival in the future. Solar energy is being looked upon as the failsafe
for the inevitable point in time when the fossil fuels run out, or become too
expensive to be effectively used to generate power for the masses. If this
point comes without solar being developed to the point of being able to produce
an adequate amount of power to satisfy the needs of our biggest cities, we are
most assuredly going to suffer. Imaging not having enough power to your house
to use your computer or lights. That is a possibility of solar power is not
developed to the point of being able to produce enough to satisfy everyone in
your area. There is no ability to create more sunlight each day, so instead we
are relying on ways to make more power from the same amount of sun. The way PV
systems work is that sunlight is collected on a solar panel and used to heat
liquid in a sealed system. This liquid flows and turns turbines in order to
generate power. The fossil fuel systems work much the same way only they burn
fossil fuels to create the turbine movement. Solar is a system that does not
rely upon destroying an element to create the product, and therefor only relies
upon how much of that sunlight can be collected during the day to put the
system in motion. Extending the amount of uptime of the system itself is the
best current method to produce more power with the same amount of sunlight, and
the private sector is developing methods of achieving this longer uptime.
Through the integration of PV surge protection devices
throughout the systems, the inevitable weather events that cause the majority
of outages can be reduced. Lightning strikes to the panels are one of the
primary causes for downtimes, as the panel is destroyed and the control
equipment is damaged by the subsequent power surge. This massive surge of
electricity flows along the connectivity lines and destroys equipment at the
circuit level, creating far more damage that needs repair than a simple panel
replacement. Because this situation is harder to fix in order to restore
functionality, it takes longer and wastes more of the existing sunshine. Through
the integration of PV surge protection along the critical pathways, the costs
of creating power can be dramatically reduced at the same time as increasing
the uptimes of the facilities. This creates clean power in a cheaper method,
and also makes it more plentiful. Through these types of improvements and
streamlining of processes, solar power will soon not just be an alternative
that can be called upon in a pinch, but will become the mainstay of power
production. This will replace the antiquated methods, and user in a new dawn of
power being available for cheaper prices, while the atmosphere doesn’t suffer
as well.